Thursday, April 7, 2016


David Wilkerson's prophecy from 40 years ago is being fulfilled right now.

40-Year-Old David Wilkerson Prophecy Being Fulfilled Right in Front of Our Eyes

David Wilkerson was a legendary preacher who truly did hear from God, and a remarkable prophecy that he gave about 40 years ago is coming to pass right now. After watching a video on our new YouTube channel, a viewer mentioned that something my wife and I were talking about sounded exactly like something that David Wilkerson had said close to 40 years ago. I was skeptical at first, but I checked it out. And it turned out that this viewer was exactly correct. Without even knowing it, for years I have been preaching virtually the exact same message that David Wilkerson prophesied nearly four decades ago, and today this prophecy is being fulfilled right in front of our eyes.
In his vision, Wilkerson saw the rise of two "super churches" in the last days. The first "super church" would be deeply apostate, and it would include both Protestants and Catholics. It would prominently use the name of Jesus Christ, but it would be "antichrist and political in many of its activities."
I see the rise of a super world church. I see the formation of a super world church council consisting of a union between liberal, ecumenical Protestants and the Roman Catholic Church joining politically hand-in-hand to create one of the most powerful religious forces on earth. This union is going to start as a cooperative charity program and it will end in a political union. This visible super world church is going to be spiritual in name only, freely using the name of Jesus Christ, but will in fact be antichrist and political in many of its activities. This powerful church union will be deeply involved in social action, tremendous charity programs, and ministries of compassion. Its leaders will make statements about meeting human needs. They will send out a call for social action, political intervention and a greater voice in world affairs.
There is going to be a sudden mysterious chain of events. Just when it appears the ecumenical movement is nearly dead, a rather mysterious chain of events will bring about the framework for this union. Rome is going to insist on and receive concessions from the Protestant ecumenical leaders. The Pope will be considered more of a political than a spiritual leader of this church union.
And this is definitely what we are seeing today. The vast majority of the churches in the Western world have already gone apostate, and we are seeing a major push for churches and religious organizations to work together to achieve political and social goals.
I believe that we are witnessing the early stages of the emergence of a one world religion. The pope and other prominent religious leaders are speaking of the need to "come together" and to acknowledge that "all religions are different paths to the same God." Unity has become a major theme, and the pope in particular has been making a major ecumenical push.
But what really got my attention was the second part of Wilkerson's prophecy.
He saw the rise of a "supernatural invisible church" that would include believers from all churches and all denominations and that would become "a kind of underground church" in the last days.
I see the rise of a super church, a supernatural invisible church, a union of deeply spiritual followers of Jesus Christ, bound together through the Holy Spirit and mutual confidence in Christ and in his word.
This supernatural church of true believers will become a kind of underground church. It will include Catholics and Protestants of all denominations, young and old, black and white, and people of all nations. While this visible super church gains political power this invisible body of believers will grow tremendously in spiritual power.
This power will come from persecution. The persecution madness that is coming upon this earth will drive these Christians closer together and closer to Jesus Christ. They will be less concerned about denominational ties and more concerned and emphasis on the coming of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will bring together as one people in all walks of life.
Without even knowing it, I have been preaching virtually the exact same message for the past couple of years. God burned this message into my heart, and even though I wasn't sure that people were ready to receive it, I have been preaching this message wherever I go.
God is raising up a Remnant in these last days, and this Remnant is going to shake the world. This Remnant is going to keep the commandments of God, it is going to bring in the greatest harvest of souls the world has ever seen, and it is going to move in the power of the Holy Spirit like we haven't seen since the Book of Acts. 
It cuts across all churches and all denominations, and there is no individual or organization in charge of it. It is an organic move of God that is happening all over the planet, and even though we may know what is happening, there is no guarantee that any of us will get to be part of it. My wife and I are constantly praying that we could be part of this great move of God that is coming, because we very much want to fulfill the purpose for why God put us here.
Back in 2013, I gave the Remnant a very prominent role in my novel entitled "The Beginning of the End." I have talked about the Remnant in countless radio interviews, I have written about the Remnant in my articles, I preached about it on the DVDs that I did last year, and now my wife and I are proclaiming this message in our new television show.
A sleeping giant is rising, and it is primarily happening outside of the institutional church.
In fact, the institutional church is in danger of being completely left behind by this new move of God. I know that a lot of church leaders out there are not going to want to hear this, but it is true. Most of the institutional church has already gone apostate, and much of the rest of it is dead asleep.
Because I proclaim this message so much, I constantly hear from people all over the world that God is raising up to be part of this Remnant. Last month, I got the opportunity to preach about the Remnant at an evening service down at Morningside. Just hours before the service, I received an email from an assistant to a pastor in a Lutheran church in northwestern Pennsylvania, and this email is a perfect example of what God is doing. The following is an excerpt from that email:
I felt compelled to write to you. It sounds so similar to my own journey with Christ.
I presently live in a small town in northwestern Pennsylvania and am serving as an assistant to the pastor in our Lutheran church. My wife and I were missionaries for 51/2 years in the east African nation of Tanzania before returning home in 2011 to take care of elderly parents. I've been an avid student of Bible prophecy for over 30 years and it was shortly after we came back from overseas that I experienced what my wife and I both consider an "angelic" visit. The conversation lasted about 10 minutes with the "messenger" urging me in the most forceful terms to "warn the people" of what is soon coming upon our nation and the world. I knew exactly what he meant and felt deeply convicted to reach others with a "last days" message.
All over the world, people are having encounters with God, and they are being instructed to proclaim a "last days message" while there is still time.
Unfortunately, most churches today won't receive this kind of message. Many pastors even know exactly what is coming, but they won't warn the people. There is such a fear that if people get offended they won't keep coming back and won't keep putting money in the offering plate.
So a lot of these churches have adopted a "me-centered gospel" that features Jesus as a self-help coach. They purposely avoid using words like "sin" because they don't ever want anyone to feel uncomfortable, and they only focus on select passages from the Bible that make people feel good.
Of course this watered-down gospel has turned out horribly for the church in America. People are leaving our dead churches in droves, and this is especially true of our young people.
If you go into most churches today, you will mostly find "the grays," and I am not talking about aliens. I love my elderly friends, but where are all of the young people? Yes, there are a few of them around, but a whole host of surveys have shown that young adults in America are generally far, far less "Christian" than their parents were.
But that doesn't mean that all is lost. There is tremendous spiritual hunger out there, and people are searching for something real. We are seeing believers all over America gather in home Bible studies and home churches, and the underground church that David Wilkerson prophesied is very much becoming a reality.
Recently, I was contacted by a wonderful sister in Missouri who wants my wife and me to come down there and help teach a small group of believers. Unfortunately, we can't be everywhere at once, and we very much feel called to stay at our current location for now. But I was so encouraged to hear from another member of the Remnant, and it turns out that what God is doing in her life is so similar to what God is doing in our lives.
Like I said, this is a supernatural thing. Just like we have seen throughout history, the institutional church has gotten old and stale, and God is doing an "end run" around the traditions of man as He brings in the next move.
Of course, there are still some churches that are doing a great job, and if you have found one of those churches, you should definitely appreciate it, because it is rare to find a church where God is really moving these days.
Recently, I got an email from a man of God who just spoke with a pastor that has suddenly seen God start to move tremendously in his ministry. The following is an excerpt from that email:
I was on the phone yesterday with a pastor, him being in total shock at the supernatural explosion in his ministry. Healing, deliverance, angelic visitations and the presence of God filling the church. The supernatural is totally off the scale. In Scripture is says in 1 Cor. 2:9:
'But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.'
Now that the pastor's eyes are opened this Scripture takes on a new meaning. I am so excited to see this happening. I wanted you to know.
The Remnant is rising. The "supernatural invisible church" that David Wilkerson prophesied about close to 40 years ago has become a reality, and this is the primary topic of our latest television show. You can watch what my wife and I have to share right here.
In addition, the Remnant is a major theme in my brand-new book that was just released, titled The Rapture Verdict. A lot of people look forward to the last days with fear and trembling, but that should not be the case. We have so much to look forward to, and this Remnant was prophesied by the apostle John nearly 2,000 years ago in the book of Revelation (Rev. 12:17, 14:12). The greatest hour of the people of God is coming, and so it is time for the church to wake up. We are going to write the end of the story, and we are going to bring in the greatest harvest of souls in all of history right before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
So do not fear the hard times and persecution that are coming. Yes, Jesus told us that the period of time just before He returns will be the worst period of time in all of human history, but it will also be a time of purification and maturing for His bride.
Without His help, we can do nothing, but with His help, we will experience the greatest move of God the church has ever known, and we can become the kind of bride He deserves.
Jesus deserves a bride that is wildly and madly and passionately in love with Him, and we stand on the precipice of the most dramatic time in all of human history.
As far as my wife and I are concerned, there is no other place we would rather be than right here, and there is no other time we would rather be alive than right now.
We have reached the culmination of all things, and the time of the greatest spiritual warfare in history is directly in front of us.
We will not bend, we will not bow, and we will not break. In the midst of overwhelming odds, we will stand and fight for our Lord and Savior, and in the end, we will receive the crown of life.
If the Holy Spirit is tugging at your heart right now, I encourage you to join the Remnant. You don't have to join any organization or send your money anywhere. All you have to do is to surrender your entire heart to Jesus, and ask Him to make you into the person that He created you to be.
Darkness is rising, but so is the Remnant. And someday, people will look back and they will remember the courageous men and women that refused to back down and that did not love their lives even unto death.
In the book of Revelation, it talks about believers that will overcome the enemy in the last days by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony.
Take up your sword, choose to be a light, and get ready for the greatest time that God's people have ever known.
We are going to be the people that prepare the way for the glorious return of Jesus Christ, and you were born for such a time as this.
Michael T. Snyder is the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and author of The Beginning of the End.
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