Saturday, March 26, 2016





'Slow creep of globalism overpowering our Constitution'

Paul Bremmer

There’s just something about Donald Trump. The billionaire GOP presidential candidate electrifies Middle America while sending the insider classes into a frenzied panic.

What is it that makes Trump the most polarizing American political figure in recent memory? Apparently national sovereignty is still popular with the masses, according to award-winning journalist Cheryl Chumley.
“Republicans and Democrats both in recent years have been moving toward this system of government that looks more at the global view than the sovereign view,” Chumley said in a recent interview on Chuck Morse’s radio show. “This is unprecedented in American history. This has been a slow creep of globalism overpowering our Constitution and our democratic republic, and now here comes Trump saying, ‘No, we need to reverse this. We need to make America first. We need to put America at the forefront of all things worldly now.'”
Chumley, a WND staff writer and author of the brand new book,  “The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country from the Beast in Washington,” confessed she’s unsure whether Trump can fulfill all his campaign promises, but she finds it refreshing to hear a candidate talk about America being the greatest country in the world.
Morse, who authored the book “The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism,” opined Trump is driving the establishment crazy by pushing a “pretty strenuous nationalism” that confronts the many internationalists who wish to create a North American Union, a “New World Order,” or some other system of supranational governance.
“Dare I suggest he actually sounds like an old-fashioned American?” Morse asked. “He is standing up for an old-fashioned concept, not just for this country, but I would contend for all sovereign nations, and that is the value of national sovereignty.”
Morse asserted national sovereignty is worth defending not because it’s traditional, but because it’s the most desirable future of mankind.
“Do we want to control our own fortunes?” he asked. “Do we want to control our own lives? Do we believe in limited democratic government where we have a say? Or do we want to turn it over to some kind of a faceless international entity?”
Alas, many Democrats and Republicans do think nation-states should be subordinated to an international governing body, and many Republicans can’t stand to see a strong nationalist like Trump on the cusp of the GOP nomination for president. Chumley pointed out influential Republicans, conservatives and business leaders have held two closed-door meetings in recent weeks, one at Sea Island, Georgia, and one in D.C., at which they plotted ways to stop Trump from winning the presidency.
“That’s just a disgusting attitude for Republicans to have against one of their own declared candidates,” Chumley said. “What’s worse is since Trump is the front-runner, it’s basically the establishment Republicans putting the American people in a poor light, as if those who support Trump aren’t smart enough to understand what’s going on politically, and they need these establishment elite-type politicians to guide them down the path that they should be taking.”
Plenty of Republicans have vowed to never support Trump, not even in a general election against the eventual Democratic nominee. Chumley thinks that’s a despicable position for so-called Republicans to take.
“What kind of Republican is that?” she asked rhetorically. “But what’s even worse is these same people who criticize Trump for being so offensive and so blunt in his rhetoric – they don’t mind it when they themselves or those of their ilk turn around and slam Trump and call him names in public.”
As an example, she pointed to Mitt Romney’s recent scathing anti-Trump speech.
“It shocked me because I was never a big Mitt Romney fan, but I did believe he was a guy who was classy, and he was constrained and he had a faith in some higher being that basically made him a candidate on the political trail that was resistant to the idea of attacking his political opponents,” she said. “He was so gracious to Obama but came out against Trump, and it’s no holds barred.”
Morse pointed out another factor that makes Trump deeply polarizing.
“It appears – and I don’t know if it’s going to stick – but it appears that Trump has stuck a major pin in this political correctness tyranny,” the host said.
He noted the advent of so-called “microaggressions” has made it possible for oversensitive Americans to accuse virtually anyone of racism, sexism, bigotry and the like for almost any action, no matter how trivial.
Chumley agreed, adding: “I’ll go even further and say it’s not just damaging to the individual to be targeted by the leftists for perceived non-politically correct statements, it’s a danger to our nation. If you look at the whole radical Islamism scenarios going on and what our national security is based upon, it’s based upon a White House that refuses to admit, because of political correctness, that it’s radical Islam that’s the biggest danger facing the world and America right now.
“So when you take PC talk that far, it goes beyond just damaging an individual’s reputation; it goes to the point where it can actually put an entire nation at a national security risk.”
Chumley also speculated Trump’s appeal comes from his willingness to say what ordinary Americans say in the privacy of their own homes.
“People don’t speak in politically correct terms to their family members and friends around the coffee table while they’re talking about the problems facing America, particularly when it comes to border and national security issues,” Chumley said. “And Trump doesn’t speak eloquently and you can see what comes out of his mouth sometimes does not reach the radars in his mind … But that’s part of his charm to the American people, and that’s why the American people are rallying behind him.”
In fact, Chumley views Trump as a man who is courageously representing the pent-up anger and frustration of working-class Americans and absorbing all the contempt the establishment feels for the working class.
“Trump isn’t bringing a message of hatred; he’s bringing out the angst and the outrage of the American public, and now the left is using him as the symbol basically,” Chumley reasoned. “He’s representing a symbol of what Americans are speaking to themselves at home, and he’s the one taking the hits for the regular Americans right now.”
Morse added Trump’s left-wing critics are the real haters.
“The left, when they say, ‘Oh, he’s releasing hatred,’ what they’re doing is what they usually do,” he said. “They’re projecting, to use a Freudian term. They’re basically projecting on the rest of us their own values because they’re the haters.”
Morse revealed when he hears people compare Trump to Adolf Hitler, he replies, “I honestly don’t think Donald Trump is that far left.”
Chumley closed the interview by expressing optimism for both Trump and the nation of patriots he has inspired.
“I think actually Trump is going to go the whole way,” she predicted. “As far as this country goes, I have great hope. America is still the light on the hill blessed by God. It’s the greatest nation in the world, and I think Americans are coming to the point of frustration where they are not just hoping to act, but they’re willing to act.”

My comments: Obama, Hillary and the Democrats and some Republicans, would give up US Sovereignty in a moment, for Global Governance. They are Emissaries for Satan who will soon Reveal his son, the Beast of Revelation, the Antichrist. (2 Thessalonians 2; Revelation 13) Then will come the One World Government and One World Religion.

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