Thursday, March 10, 2016


Trump: 'I Think Islam Hates Us'

By Susan Jones | March 10, 2016 | 7:14 AM EST
In this March 8, 2016, photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a news conference at the Trump National Golf Club in Jupiter, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)
( - "Do you think Islam is at war with the West," CNN's Anderson Cooper asked Republican Donald Trump Wednesday evening.
"I think Islam hates us," Trump responded. "There is something -- there is something there that is a tremendous hatred there. There's a tremendous hatred. We have to get to the bottom of it. There's an unbelievable hatred of us."
"In Islam itself?" Cooper asked.
"You're going to have to figure that out," Trump told Cooper. "OK. You'll get another Pulitzer, right? But you'll have to figure that out. But there's a tremendous hatred. And we have to be very vigilant. We have to be very careful. And we can't allow people coming into this country who have this hatred of the United States...and of people that are not Muslim."
Cooper tried again: "I guess the question is, is there a war between the west and radical Islam or between the west and Islam itself?"

"Well, it's radical, but it's very hard to define. It's very hard to separate, because you don't know who is who," Trump said.
"Look, these two young people (in San Bernardino) that got married, she supposedly radicalized him. Who knows what happened? The bottom line is they killed 14 people. They gave them baby showers. I mean, they were friends of theirs and they walked in and they killed them. There's unbelievable hatred.

"You look at Paris, 138 people killed. Many, many people are going to die in the hospital. Mortally wounded, horribly wounded, horribly wounded. And they walk into a room and boom, boom, boom. There's a sickness going on that's unbelievable. And honestly, you have to get to the bottom of it."
My comments: Islam Hates everyone who is not a Muslim as the Koran Demands. Anyone who has read the Koran understands this reality. The so called Radicals have simply put the Demands of the Koran into Practice.

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