Thursday, March 3, 2016


February 29, 2016
Trump betrays Israel -- Christian support of Trump is now direct defiance against God

By Michael Bresciani

"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." – Genesis 12: 3
As a nation, we have crossed the line with the continuation of abortion genocide that has produced death to unborn human beings to the tune of 55 million. Following that, we've added "same-sex marriage" to the list of insults to God and man. What's left?
In fact, America has only one insult remaining before God will pull his hand of protection from us completely, and that is, without doubt, when we decide to give up our full allegiance and protection to our staunchest Middle East ally, Israel.

In the last Republican debate, Donald Trump declared that he would not side with Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians. To appreciate Trump's position on Israel and exactly how both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio countered Donald's traitorous and mealy-mouthed betrayal, you must watch the entire debate or read the transcript. This writer firmly believes that not to do so is perilous.
Trump has promised to "Make America great again," but there is absolutely no chance for greatness if he turns us away from our full support of Israel.
Christians in support of Trump now face a difficult decision. Support and assistance to the Trump campaign will now become direct disobedience to God and the scriptures.
The time has arrived for complete honesty. Jerry Falwell Jr., Pat Robertson,Robert Jeffress, Kenneth Copeland, and any other Christian leaders or pastors who continue to openly support and defend Donald Trump's bid for president will be in direct defiance against God.

Christians who insist that Trump is the man will henceforth be calling for our nation to be "cursed." (Gen 12: 3)
In our great land, no one can tell us who to cast our vote for – but as it pertains to believers, those leaders, ministers, pastors, messengers, and prophets who do not emphatically warn the believers of this serious error will also be in direct disobedience to Almighty God.

The liberally educated, leftist, and socialistic youth of our nation have been hoodwinked for over a generation now, and one small article is not likely to make much difference. Also, the Christians who don't know their Middle Eastern history and their Bibles well enough to know that Israel has never occupied Palestine – the land always belonged to Israel – it is far too late to educate them with a single article.
It must be said, whether we know the truth or not. This is the truth – Trump's betrayal of Israel will mark the place where anything left to our "greatness" will begin to bleed out like a slaughtered lamb. There will be no return to greatness.

Who could have guessed that one loud-mouthed multi-billionaire would swallow up the quivering mounting masses of hero worshipping sycophants with a promise to make them great, even as he leads them down the road to perdition?
It is clear that the one candidate who likes to call people stupid is suffering from serious ignorance about spiritual matters and the finer details of the will and counsel of God.

Watching his entire candidacy is like standing on the side as the snake oil salesman comes to the close of his pitch. People everywhere around him are already digging into their pockets for a buck to buy his worthless elixir. They are convinced no one can influence Mr. Trump, he cannot be bought, but they have been bought for a song and a dance.
Like Barack Obama, it is now abundantly clear that Trump does not know how the world works – how could he possibly know how the Kingdom of God and its principles work? To wit:
"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" (Jn 3: 12)
Rather than a solid promise to renew our greatness, support for Donald Trump is gambling with what little remains of our legacy as a great nation.

Fair warning: Leave Israel behind, and we will never see greatness again.

Before you punch someone in the face – At least look "Presidential"

© Michael Bresciani
My comments: Michael Bresciani is Right! Trump's refusal to stand for Israel agaisnt the so called Palestinians is the Straw that Breaks the Camels back. Now, No Christian can support him in good Conscience and not be in Defiance Against God.

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