Saturday, March 5, 2016


(1 John 1, AMP)
[We are writing] about the Word of LIFE
[In] Him Who Existed from the Beginning,
Whom we have seen with our [own] eyes
And have touched with our [own] hands.

And the LIFE [an aspect of His being] was revealed
(Made manifest, demonstrated),
And we saw (as eyewitnesses) and are Testifying to
And Declare to you the LIFE, The Eternal LIFE [in Him]
Who already existed with the Father
And Who [actually] was made Visible—
Was Revealed—To us [His followers].

What we have seen and [ourselves] heard
We are also telling you,
So that you too may realize and enjoy Fellowship
As Partners and Partakers with us.

And this Fellowship that we have
(Which is a distinguishing mark of Christians)
Is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

And now we are writing these things to you
So that our Joy [in seeing you included] may be full--
And your Joy may be COMPLETE.

And this is the MESSAGE—the Message of Promise--
Which we have heard from Him
And now are reporting to you:
God is LIGHT and there is no Darkness in Him at all--
No, not in any way.

[So] if we say we are Partakers together
And enjoy Fellowship with Him
When we live and move and are walking about in Darkness,
We are [both] speaking Falsely
And do no live and practice the TRUTH [of the Gospel].

But if we [really] are living and walking in the LIGHT
As He [Himself] is in the LIGHT,
We have [true, unbroken ] Fellowship with one another,
And the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from Sin
In all its forms and manifestations.

If we say we have no Sin--
Refusing to admit that we are Sinners--
We Delude and lead ourselves astray,
And the TRUTH [which the Gospel presents] is not in us--
Does not dwell in our hearts.

If we [freely] admit that we have Sinned and Confess our Sins,
He is Faithful and Just [true to His own nature and promises]
And will forgive our Sins (dismiss our lawlessness)
And Continuously Cleanse us from all Unrighteousness--
Everything not in Conformity to His will
In Purpose, thought and action.

If we say (claim) we have not Sinned, we Contradict His Word
And make Him out to be False and a LIAR,
And His Word is not in us--
The Divine Message of the Gospel is not in our hearts.
(1 John 1, AMP)

For whoever finds Me [Wisdom] finds LIFE,
And shall draw forth and obtain Favor of the Lord.

But he who misses Me or Sins against Me
Wrongs and injures himself;
ALL WHO HATE ME LOVE DEATH. (Proverbs 8:35,36,AMP)

The apostle Paul says this:
We preach Christ, the Messiah, CRUCIFIED,
Which to the Jews is a Scandal
And an Offensive Stumbling Block
(That springs a snare-trap),
And to the Gentiles it is Absurd
And utterly unphilosophical nonsense.

But to those who are CALLED,
Whether Jew or Greek (Gentile),
Christ [is] the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.
(1 Corinthians 23,24, AMP)

What the “Church” has forgotten is this:
LIFE is found in Christ ALONE--Everything else is DEATH.
We are living among a people [unbelievers] who love DEATH,
The World loves DEATH; and HATES Christ Jesus,
Everything they do and say is DEAD.
We to, once loved DEATH, before Christ Jesus revealed Himself to us
And we made the Decision to follow Him.

Further, if we, once having seen the LIGHT,
Continue to walk in the Darkness of this Wicked World,
And believe that we belong to Christ, then we are LIARS;
Then, there is no TRUTH or LIGHT or LIFE in us.

Christ Jesus warned us all:
Be always on the Watch,
And pray that you will be able to Escape All that is about to happen,
And that you may be able TO STAND before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:36)

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward Oblivion. (Psalm 2)
This World in it's present form is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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