Friday, March 18, 2016


republicandemocrats 750

Liberal Meme Debunked: Democrats Once Again Make FOOLS of Themselves

Cue the ‘War on Poverty’ by LBJ which actually kept more people in poverty. Under Obama, poverty has hit a 50 year high. So much for Democrats who care about children going hungry.
Long before the federal government intervened in health care, there were charity hospitals across the country. These hospitals took care of those who couldn’t afford health insurance voluntarily and through donations.
Thanks to the federal government’s intrusion into health care, more people can’t afford insurance today than ever before. And those that purchase health insurance under the Obama regime often can’t afford to get the healthcare they need because they can’t afford the out-of-pocket expenses or deductibles!
Republicans are (supposed to be) for a free market economy. One that enables and allows businesses and therefore employees to thrive. Democrats prefer massive regulations that not only slow business growth but also slow down the economic drivers in the country. SEE: Obamacare for starters.
There are thousands upon thousands of regulations on businesses across the country that do nothing but hurt business, the economy and of course workers.
CEOs don’t get bonuses by shipping jobs overseas. They may indeed get a bonus for hitting goals that are set for them by their Board of Directors but they aren’t driven by shipping jobs.
No citizen is denied the right to vote because they don’t have a photo I.D. Any state that requires a person to prove who they are in order to vote (as it should be), also has provisions for those who don’t have I.D.
Funny thing, a super majority of Americans, including Democrats, actually WANT voter I.D in place. Why? Because they know there is massive voter fraud across the country and they want their vote to actually count.
So basically what these meme is really saying, if you look at the facts is the following:
Horrible and Unaffordable health care
Regulations that kill jobs and keep wages low
Voter fraud
Yep, they’re going to change the world with those beliefs….said no one ever.

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