Monday, March 7, 2016




Exclusive: Chuck Norris blasts 'anti-American, unpatriotic sentiment' pervading schools

Personal note from Chuck Norris: After submitting the below article, I received word of the passing of our friend, Nancy Reagan, the remarkable first lady who was married to the conservative pillar and giant, President Ronald Reagan. My wife, Gena, and I extend our most heartfelt condolences to their children – Patty, Ron, and Michael – and their grandchildren. I will share some personal stories about our friendship with Nancy and the Reagan family in my article next week. Suffice it to say here that we’ve lost another amazing conservative in Nancy, and we will be praying for her family and our nation as we grieve her passing and learn again from her life and contributions.
Well, now I’ve heard it all.
“We pledge allegiance to an international flag”? reported on Friday, “Kindergarten students from PS75, a public school in New York City, recently took part in a class project in which the children were made to create an American flag with the flags of 22 other nations superimposed over the stripes. Below the flag read the words, “We pledge allegiance to an international flag.”
The following is a photo of the flag posted on Sean Hannity’s website:

The flag was originally being auctioned off as a fundraiser for the Parent Teacher Association, but its image and description magically vanished by the end of the day that reported on it.
Before being removed, the description read on the auction site:
The students made a beautifully painted stretched canvas American Flag and then applied flags from all the Spanish-speaking countries onto the stripes of the American flag. All the children chose a flag to color using colored pencils and they were glued onto the larger American flag. The stars are cut canvas which are painted and decorated with REAL Swarovski Crystals (gold and crystal colored)!
The fun quote on the bottom is about unity and creating an environment in which everyone is welcome! “We pledge allegiance to an International Flag!” Our dual language classroom strives to be a place that everyone feels welcome!
(It should be noted that, despite the description saying that only depictions of “Spanish speaking countries” were applied, there was also a Russian flag included as well.)
Rather than defacing the American flag and pledging to a new international one, the teacher should have been instructing the students about the proper treatment of a flag and what desecrates it, as well as the penalties for the latter.
According to Cornell Law School’s website, American law states: “Whoever knowingly mutilates, defaces, physically defiles, burns, maintains on the floor or ground, or tramples upon any flag of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both.”
If there’s any doubt, according to Webster’s, “defacing” means: “to spoil the surface or appearance of (something), e.g., by drawing or writing on it; mar or disfigure.”
This isn’t the first time students have desecrated flags, been encouraged to pledge to foreign flags or even disdained Old Glory on American soil.
In 2010, a 13-year-old Northern California student was told by officials from his middle school that he could not ride onto campus with a U.S. flag on his bike. Before the school changed its mind under pressure, a group of motorcycle bikers rallied to the boy’s support by following him to school with American flags. When they all arrived at the school, they recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
In 2013, a Texas high-school student was punished for refusing to recite the Mexican pledge of allegiance, so she filed a federal lawsuit against her school and her teachers.
In 2014, WND reported that another northern California school’s officials ordered students not to wear U.S. flag-themed shirts on Cinco de Mayo, in fear that Hispanic students would retaliate. Their ban was upheld by a federal appeals court. And when a small group of protesters waving the American flag stood in front of the school, they were considered “racists.”
In 2015, the University of California-Irvine student government voted to remove all flags, including the “offensive American flag,” from its main lobby and “inclusive space.”
Richard Thompson, president of the Thomas More Law Center, was absolutely correct when he explained, “There is a sad trend in public schools across our nation to undermine American patriotism.”
But this progressive agenda to neuter love for country and Old Glory among students is going beyond public schools. Let’s not forget that just last November, Seattle Pacific University, which is actually a Christian school, “recently ruled that the ‘Students for Military Veterans Support’ club could not present colors or say the pledge of allegiance at their Veterans Day ceremony due to ‘diversity.'” reported, “This is the type of globalist indoctrination we have come to expect from the public school system, but telling impressionable young American children that their loyalty should lie with some nebulous idea of a global community rather than their own nation is a new low.”
I’ll take it one step further. In my New York Times bestseller, “Black Belt Patriotism,” I speak about the liberal state of our schools and why globalism and disdain for patriotism is brainwashing (not educating) our kids as well as whitewashing the real sentiment and roots of our country’s founders.
Dr. Jim Nelson Black, founder and senior policy analyst of the Sentinel Research Associates in Washington, D.C., wrote the excellent book, “Freefall of the American University.” In it, he documents the clear biases pervading our public academic settings, and what he says about universities applies to most lower grade public schools, too.
Among that lopsidedness is the intentional training of students to look down upon America, favor other countries, freely experiment sexually, forcefully defend issues like abortion and homosexuality, as well as become cultural advocates for political correctness, relativism, globalization, green agendas and tolerance for all.
One of the primary ways these educative platforms are spread is by recruiting and retaining faculty members who reflect and teach them. For example, citing from the polling firm of Luntz Research, Dr. Black notes that the 57 percent of faculty members represented in our most esteemed universities are Democrats (only 3 percent Republican), and 64 percent identify themselves as liberal (only 6 percent conservative). Moreover, 71 percent of them disagree that “news coverage of political and social issues reflects a liberal bias in the news media.” And the No. 1 answer they gave to the question, “Who has been the best president in the past 40 years?” was Bill Clinton. (Only 4 percent said Ronald Reagan.)
The impact of secular progressive influence is being felt by students across this land, tens of thousands of whom have already cried out with complaints of academic inequity. A sampling of hundreds of student grievances from across the academic spectrum can even be found on websites like the Students for Academic Freedom and
While I fully realize there are some great conservative people on the staffs of many campuses, I know all of them would concur that a liberal bias in our academic curricula and system is overwhelmingly dominant and ubiquitous.
Is this present, restrictive and one-sided educational environment that Thomas Jefferson and other founders intended for the future generations of America? Absolutely not! Rather than encourage free thinking, the U.S. academic system has turned Jefferson’s plans for open education into our culture’s system of indoctrination.
Thomas Jefferson was an enthusiastic advocate for public education and believed it was the key to preserving a republican government and society. Yet, he was equally an ardent opponent against “any tyranny over the mind of man.”
Whether that dominance is sectarianism or secularism, conservatism or liberalism, Jefferson (and, I believe, our other Founders) would oppose and seek to correct today’s disproportions of instruction in our nation’s public schools. And they certainly would be appalled by the anti-American and unpatriotic sentiment that pervades them, too.
Parents and teachers should fight for and teach our children and children’s children what President James Monroe said during his first inaugural address on March 4, 1817: “National honor is national property of the highest value.”

My comments: The godless, whatever their stripes, have captured the American Public Education System. They are Recreating the Tower of Babel, the New World Order in preparation of the Revealing of the son of Satan. They Hate God and His Word and America as Founded. 

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