Saturday, March 12, 2016


Bishop Harry Jackson

Bishop Harry Jackson Declares 'The Church Is Responsible for the Darkness in the Land'

Bishop Harry Jackson, co-founder of The Reconciled Church, called believers at Liberty Counsel's The Awakening event to maturity rather than a worldly agenda.
"We need a radical invasion of the person and presence of the Spirit of God," Bishop Jackson said.
At the annual event focused on the Christian and his relationship to politics, he said politics focuses on the question, "What's in it for me?"
"Everybody is voting our interests," he said at the event March 5 at Faith Assembly in Orlando, Florida. "But somewhere, we, the church, have to get to the point where we say that we are for God's agenda, the righteousness of God, and when we get to that point, we will begin to lead a healing that America has never seen before, and the greatest days of the blessing of God that He's ordained for our land will be ushered in by the church rising up in the matchless name of Jesus."
Bishop Jackson confessed to the audience that he was angry, but in anger, we are not to grieve the Spirit, he said, citing Eph. 4:30-32. However, he said, there is a place for anger, the kind of anger that does not lead to sin but causes us to want to make a difference in the world.
"Anger is a precursor for change," he says. "I believe we 're on the verge. If we could just channel our anger with righteousness into the pathways of God, we can change America for good. But it's got to be a church that says time out for business as usual, time out for doing it the way other people are saying it. But we've got to recognize that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds."
Reflecting on the race problems in America, Bishop Jackson said we need to know that in anger, "We can reach the place of murder."
Many ask why blacks and Hispanics don't "vote the Bible," but Bishop Jackson says the answer is simple.
"They deal with an unresolved issue of a lack of justice in the land," he said. "And even though they understand that life and marriage are important and many of the things that all Christians would believe in, they say, 'But when are we going to get fairness? When is there going to be an equal playing field?'
"African-Americans are going to have to learn how to forgive. They're going to have to be graced by the Spirit of God to forgive. And then many of my white evangelical brothers, if we're going to have reconciliation, we are going to have to say, I am going to ask God to give me the Father's eyes to see people with a new compassion, to reach out to the wounded and to the least of these in our culture, and from a Christian perspective, I've got to get my heart right before I get my policy right. That will lead me to my vote being right, but the church is responsible for the darkness in the land because we haven't banded together enough."
Bishop Jackson called on the church to reverse course and operate as "one unified force" to heal the land.
My comments: "There is One Body and One Spirit--Just as you were called to One Hope when you were called--One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism; One God and Father of ALL, Who is Over All and Through All and In All." (Ephesians 4:4-6) "In Him [Chrsit Jesus] was LIFE, and that LIFE was the LIGHT of men. the Light that Shines in the Darkness, but the Darkness has Not Understood it." (John 1:4, 5) So it is with the Body of Christ, those who have been Crucified with Christ to this Wicked World--That Body will Shine in the Darkness until Christ Jesus Returns. The Darkness in the land, has always been in the land, from Adam and Eve until today, as it is Darkness, Satan, who Rules this Wicked World.

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