Saturday, February 13, 2016




Exclusive: Craige McMillan on impact of 'Satan-inspired self-help program for the world'

A curious situation exists in America, and to a lesser extend in Europe and most of the West. Despite murderous Muslim rampages, frequent terrorist attacks, vows to overthrow Western governments and replace them with Islam and Shariah law, forced conversion, rape and murder of Christians and homosexuals – most of these very governments are obsessed with encouraging and growing the Muslim population within their borders. Does this make any sense to you?
The vast majority of Christians spend their time helping others, donating money for charity at home and missions abroad, attending church and Sunday school, running schools and hospitals to help children and the infirm, encouraging and providing help for women who keep their babies rather than abort them, and helping those who live in the undeveloped world.
Yet government today seems obsessed with whether Christian bakers bake cakes for those whose sexual practices they find morally unpalatable, or whether private landowners conduct gay weddings on their property, the culmination of which contradicts all Christian teachings.
In a rational world, governments of all persuasions would be encouraging the spread of Christians and barring Islam and Muslims at their borders.
Do we live in a world of irrational rationality?
But we don’t live in a rational world, do we? If we did, militaries would be much smaller and interventions fewer. Poor people would be harder to find. The mentally ill would not be left out on the streets to fend for themselves in a world in which they cannot cope. Tech billionaires would not import cheap foreign labor. The dependent class would be much smaller, because independence through work and achievement, not dependence upon government handouts, would be taught and encouraged.
Babies would not be aborted for the convenience of the mother. Illegal immigrants would be deported rather than treated better than citizens. Taxes would be spent on infrastructure that benefits all, not welfare handouts designed to buy next year’s vote for entrenched power. 
Nor would government lie to its citizens and persecute those with whom it disagrees. In short, we would live in a rational world.
How does Christianity explain all this?
Interestingly enough, Satan has a worldview not unlike that of many governments. His dispute with God, however, predates humanity and probably the earth itself. Created by God as the most beautiful, wise and powerful creature in existence, the Bible tells us that Satan decided he was, in fact, not only the most impressive being in the universe, but that he was just like God.
No created being, however beautiful, wise and powerful, can surpass the pre-existent Creator. Satan, finding himself powerless against God, turned his attention to God’s earthly creation: men and women. In the perfect world known as the Garden of Eden, Satan offered humanity the same bargain he sought for himself: Taste the fruit of knowledge of good and evil, and you shall be just like God. We took the bait. Satan gained control of humanity.
It is interesting that in the New Testament, after Jesus’ baptism and subsequent isolation in the desert, he never disputed Satan’s offer or ability to give to him all the kingdom’s of the world in return for Jesus’ worship of Satan. Jesus simply declined the offer. Satan’s career ended at the Cross of Christ. Judgment, however, has yet to be executed.
Satan’s approach
With the exception of Christians, both Satan and man are engaged in perpetual betterment programs for the earth and humanity. “Betterment” being whatever they believe will improve the earth and humanity. Only God’s method of betterment is excluded from trial or practice.
In prior experience, these failed betterment projects affected primarily the age that had begun the great experiment. But as mankind’s scientific knowledge and the application of the knowledge (technology) has grown, experiments are now being proposed that will alter both earth and humanity far out into the future.
Given mankind’s “success” in past endeavors with this partnership, the future – far from becoming heaven on earth – can only deteriorate into failure, desolation and hell.
Both Satan and government demand the allegiance of mankind going forward. It is predominately Christians who resist this Satan-inspired self-help program for the world and its inhabitants. Since neither Satan nor man can vent their displeasure at the Creator, they attack those who bear his Image. Thus it is Christians (and to a lesser extent this time around, Jews) who bear the brunt of the world’s persecution.

My comments: Apart from those who belong to Chrsit Jesus, mankind, Ruled by Satan, does everything in its Power to Discredit or Abolish God and His Word. That is what is going on in America and around the World today. Scripture tells us how this Ends. It Ends in the Destruction of ALL but those who belong to God.

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