Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Franklin Graham says this:
Our Nation had turned it back on God.
Sin is Embraced—Even Flaunted--
And Secularist are trying to remove the Name of God
And His Son Jesus Christ, From Everything possible.

It is Time we recognize the Serious Condition our Country is in

That is what I am doing on this 50-state Tour--
We're holding a Prayer Rally in every Capital.

We Praise God for the Thousands who have joined us
At the first few locations.


Franklin Graham goes on to say this:
The most important thing that we can do, as Christians, is pray. God hers prayer and God answers prayer. I believe there is a Powerful Biblical Model for calling on God to turn a Nation back to Him. It starts with Repentance—not only by the Nation but by God's people, confessing our own Sinfulness. In the time of Nehemiah, the Nation of Israel was in real trouble. When Nehemiah began to pray for the people's hearts to be turned and the Nation to be Restored, he said,

I confess the Sins we have committed against You.
Both I an my father's house have Sinned.
We have acted Corruptly toward You
And have Not Kept the Commands, Statutes, and Ordinances
You gave to Your servant Moses” (Nehemiah 1:6-7, HCSB).

We followed Nehemiah's Pattern in each city. I asked the people to join me, right there at the Pray Rally, in a time of silent Repentance for our own Sins and then to acknowledge before God the Sin in our Churches, our families, and our family history. We confessed the Sins of our Nation, as well, and prayed for America and its people.

Not everyone attending these rallies knows Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. At each event I carefully explain the Message of the Gospel and give an Invitation. Because of the nature of the rallies and their setting, it is not practical ti Invite those who respond to come forward, so we ask them to let us know their Decision by texting from a cell phone.

As God works, people are opening their hears to Him at each Prayer Rally—125 in Baton Rouge. We connect with them individually for follow-up, offering resources to being their walk with the lord, suggesting opportunities for discipleship, and urging them to find a Bible-teaching local Church.

We praise God for each person whose life is changed. Pray that many more will turn to Jesus Christ in Repentance an Faith as a result of what they hear and experience at Decision America Tour prayer rallies.

Churches brought bus loads and van loads of people to the Prayer Rallies. In Tallahassee, the pastor f a small Church who drove his Church van from a town 90 miles away had to recruit someone to drive a car as ell because more people wanted to come than he expected. “We need to take on a greater role as born-again Christians in our Nation,” he said. “But nothing will occur without fervent prayer.”

During this 50-state tour, I am urging Christians to get Engaged in the Political Process and stay Engaged. We need men and women to run fo office at every level, Christians who believe n Biblical Values and Principles and are will to Stand for them and follow them. And we need people who serve and follow Jesus Christ to learn the Issues, Pay Attention to the Candidates, and Vote in every Election—local, state, and national.

I am not telling people who to Vote for. We won' permit any candidates to appear at any decision America tour rally, and I am not endorsing anyone. Who to Vote for is something each person should decide through prayer. No Political Party is going to be able to turn this around. I have No Hope in the Democratic Party. I have No Hope in the Republican Party. I have No Hope in any other Party to Fix the Problems. My Hope is in god and His Son, Jesus Christ.

A woman named Patty at the Des Moines rally expressed it quite well: “I'm hoping people listen to what is being said and Vote Biblically. You know, be a Biblican, not a Republican or Democrat.”

A tour to every state capital in America is a huge undertaking, and we need your financial gifts and your prayer to carry it out. For the sake of our Children and Grandchildren, for the sake of our Country's Future, we can't delay. Pray that God will impact lives across the land and turn our Nation to Him.

May God richly bless you.
Franklin Graham, President

BillyGraham.org – 1-877-247-2426 – BillyGraham.org/social

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