Monday, February 8, 2016


Exposed: Code 291 - The Swedish police code to keep asylum seekers off the news

Exposed: Code 291 - The Swedish police code to keep asylum seekers off the news

(SPEISA) Swedish police has kept several thousand incidents at asylum centers secret. It includes violence, bomb threats and rapes, all classified under code 291.
It is the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet that writes that the Swedish police has hidden information from the public about thousands of incidents at reception centers for asylum seekers, and that it is about everything from bomb threats and rapes to incidents about mental illness.
During the last four months it is about 450 reports of fights, 559 cases of violence, 194 threats, four rapes and two bomb threats.

None of this information has been released to the public.
Altogether over 5,000 incidents have been kept secret under code 291. However, not all these incidents come from crime. Some are also about diseases, and others are responses to fire alarms. In addition, 869 inspections of people and vehicles, and 912 "surveillance tasks" were logged and kept secret.

The same code has been used by police across the country, writes Aftenposten.
Tomas Wallberg, who heads the national operative department, told the newspaper that there are even more incidents than the Swedish newspaper has been given access to.

- It is a very big challenge. People are put together with other traumatized people. It is an uncertain life and an uneasiness that one might be sent back.
Wallberg believes that the situation is becoming more serious and that there is an increasing tendency to aggravated assault. He also says that it's a sad situation that the public is not informed.

Dagens Nyheter wrote about the secret code 291, just over a week ago, and that the police would not reveal how much resources it used to deal with all the refugees coming to Sweden. "Nothing will be leaked" it said in an internal letter.
It was in October last year that the police began with this code, according to the newspaper, and the explanation for the secrecy was that the information was "working material". 

Dagens Nyheter also spoke with several communication advisors in the police, who anonymously showed their displeasure with the code. "Absolutely ridiculous" one commented.
Svenska Dagbladet also revealed earlier in January that the police had been ordered not to disclose "information describing" suspected foreign criminals, for fear that the police could be perceived as racist.

Swedish police are no longer allowed to give description of criminals

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