Monday, February 8, 2016


Female U.S. soldiers (Photo: U.S. Army)



'Not a fair thing to do. Young men are better equipped to deal with that

Greg Corombos
Less than two months after the Obama administration ordered women to be eligible for ground combat, the chiefs of two military branches say it’s time for women to register for Selective Service, meaning civilian women could find themselves assigned to the front lines if a national emergency requires the reinstating of the military draft.
The issue arose this week at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing as Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., asked the service chiefs to share their thoughts about gender-integrated basic training. As the discussion ensued, the top-ranking leaders of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Marine Corps openly endorsed requiring women to register.
“I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft,” said Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley.
“Every American who’s physically qualified should register for the draft,” echoed Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller.
Center for Military Readiness President Elaine Donnelly said the issue should actually be decided by Congress.
“This is a logical conclusion that is likely to be imposed by a federal court because the administration has unilaterally changed the rules. Congress has not been involved with this, except to say, ‘Well, what are you going to decide executive branch, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary of Defense?’ They’ve got it backward. Congress should decide this issue,” she said.
The United States has not had a military draft since the early 1970s, so how significant is this push for women to start registering for it?
“If we get into a national emergency, requiring a re-institution of a draft, women will be involved in it,” said Donnelly, noting the purpose of a draft is to procure “combat replacements.”
The comment from Gen. Neller surprised some since the Marine Corps vigorously opposed the Obama administration decision to make women eligible for ground combat. Donnelly thinks Neller’s response was a missed opportunity.
“I expected Gen. Neller to give a solid explanation of the rationale for the disagreement between the Marine Corps and the Secretary of the Navy on that point,” she said. “I realize his boss is sitting right next to him, but he missed the opportunity to put on the record why the Marines have always had separate gender training, why it is superior and why it should not be changed.”
Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Elaine Donnelly: 
Donnelly said the Marines separate men and women during basic training so as to eliminate all possible distractions while "making Marines." After basic training, the sexes do go through many training programs together.
The Marine Corps also conducted an exhaustive scientific study to quantify the toll of combat on men and women. It was the centerpiece of its case against putting women into ground combat. However, the administration overruled the Marines.
As the implementation of the Obama administration policy proceeds, Donnelly said it is important for everyone to know what it does and what it doesn't do.
"The executive branch announced women would be subject to direct ground combat assignments, including the infantry, on an involuntary basis," she said. "This is very important. It's not a matter of being allowed into combat or permitted as a career opportunity. Once you sign up, you're subject to the same orders as the men."
Donnelly believes adding women to any potential draft to be "militarily disastrous and administratively unworkable." She said only a "tiny minority" of women would meet the physical requirements for combat, and the military would have to spend huge amounts of time and money to weed out those who are unfit.
She said the data compiled by the Marines proves what everyone knows but no one wants to admit.
"Women and men are not physical equals in direct ground combat," Donnelly said. "Physical differences matter: Speed, the ability to carry heavy loads, to march long distances, to have accurate marksmanship at the end of that march. Fatigue matters.
"All these issues and realities were scientifically measured by the Marine Corps in field exercises over nine months. The truth that came out of those exercises remains. The truth always remains the truth, but the administration is trying to sweep all of that under the rug."
Ultimately, Donnelly fears involving women in fierce ground combat is a disservice to them and those around them.
"It's really not a fair thing to do," she said. "It may be equal, but it's not fair because in direct ground combat, women do not have the physical capability and equal opportunity to survive or to help fellow soldiers to survive. I hope we never have to reinstate the draft, but if we do, young men are better equipped to deal with that than young women are."
The Center for Military Readiness is asking 2016 presidential candidates to commit to reconsidering this policy. The questionnaire also asks if hopefuls will push back against the LGBT agenda in the military and fight to uphold the religious liberties of service members, among other issues. So far, the response has been sparse, with only one active candidate responding.
"We received responses from Sen. (Ted) Cruz. His answers were right down the line, and he added additional comments about women in land combat. We're still waiting to hear from Donald Trump, from Sen. (Marco) Rubio, from several of the other candidates. We're going to keep asking because it's up to the next president of the United States to deal with these issues," she said.
Former Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Penn., also returned the survey with the same answers as Cruz. Santorum left the 2016 race on Wednesday.
Donnelly has a final message for early-state voters.
"You need to look at that survey and if your favorite candidate has not responded yet, you need to ask that candidate, 'Where do you stand on women being ordered into the infantry, co-ed basic training being changed into the version where sexual misconduct increases? Where do stand on Selective Service and drafting young women in a future national emergency?'" Donnelly said.

My comments: The godless want to pretend that men and women are physically "equal" which is impossible and defies Common Sense. They need to take up their argument with the CREATOR, as it is He that they are really arguing with. 

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