Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Pastor Rick Scarborough: 'Satan, Like a Roaring Lion, Is Coming After the Church'

By Michael W. Chapman | January 25, 2016 | 4:19 PM EST
Pastor Rick Scarborough, head of 
Vision America. (AP) 
Pastor Rick Scarborough, who heads Vision America, said the attacks on religious liberty in America are “by design,” and that Christians need to “stand up to this tyranny and begin pushing back” because “Satan, like a roaring lion, is coming after the church.”
“We’re living in the age where the church is fair game,” said Scarborough in a Washington Watch radio interview with host Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council.
“Satan, like a roaring lion, is coming after the church,” he said. “What we’ve got to find is the army of faith that will stand up to this tyranny and begin pushing back, taking back the ground that’s been lost.”  
Earlier in the interview, Perkins and Scarborough we’re discussing how pastors need to participate in the marketplace of ideas and defend Christianity in the public square.
Remarking on how many Christian businesses are now under attack through federal regulations and the continual legal and social fallout of homosexual “marriage,” Perkins said, “The media would lead people to believe that these cases are isolated or they’re few and far between. We’ve actually seen a growing, rapidly growing, threat to religious liberty.”
Scarborough responded, “In fact, it’s by design, Tony. They’re picking off the low-hanging fruit right now. They’re finding people who are susceptible and destroying their livelihood, taking away their businesses. They’re being foreclosed on, they’re literally losing their right to practice their faith in the confines of their business.”
“Now, the government would say, and President Obama would likely say, ‘you can have that belief, just don’t let it impact how you do business,’” said Scarborough.
Perkins then remarked, “What good is a belief if it doesn’t impact your life?”
Illustration of Lucifer, the fallen angel.
(Public domain.)
“That’s exactly where I was headed,” said Scarborough, who holds a Doctorate in Ministry from Louisiana Baptist Theological Seminary.  “It’s of no value whatsoever. It’s good for nothing, to be trodden underfoot.”
“We’re living in the age where the church is fair game,” he said.  “Satan is – and the comedians, the media, and others take no thought about defaming preachers and defaming the church.”
“Some of that falls back on us because Jesus said if the salt loses its saltiness, it’s good for nothing,” said Pastor Scarborough.  “The fact that there’s such liberty now to take aim at the church reveals that we’ve for far too long been complacent. We don’t want to offend anybody. We don’t want to hurt their feelings. We’ve acquiesced.”
“And now Satan, like a roaring lion, is coming after the church,” he said.  Thank God, tomorrow we’ll be discussing some of the heroes, the Benham brothers and others that are standing firm, standing strong.”
“What we’ve got to find is the army of faith that will stand up to this tyranny and begin pushing back, taking back the ground that’s been lost,” said Scarborough.
Pastor Rick Scarborough is married, has two children, and is the author of five books. Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, is married and has five children. He also served in the Louisiana House of Representatives 1996-2004.  


My comments: The Emissaries of Satan are Obama and the Democrat Party, for whom many "Christians" still vote for.

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