Wednesday, January 27, 2016


(DAILY BEAST) The last time Michael Moore appeared on Fox News was in 2009. It was the week his documentary Capitalism: A Love Story came out in theaters, and the left-wing filmmaker sat down with Sean Hannity to look back at eight years of President George W. Bush and ahead to what would become eight years of President Barack Obama.
On Tuesday night, more than six years later, Moore returned to Fox. But this time, it was to talk to Megyn Kelly, who has become the de facto queen of the conservative cable news channel. Her power is apparently so immense that she can single-handedly prevent Donald Trump from participating in the final GOP debate before the Iowa caucuses.
She may not get the chance to question Trump on Thursday night, but Kelly and her liberal guest had plenty to talk about, from the water crisis in Moore’s hometown of Flint, Michigan, to his latest documentary, Where to Invade Next and, of course, the debate over which presidential candidate will succeed Obama next year.


My comments: Michael Moore issues a "blessing" on Megyn Kelly, which from him is a "Curse." Any accolade from a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist, as Moore is, is a "Curse." 

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