'He's representing the worst, darkest part' of America
Cheryl Chumley
Fox News host Shepard Smith took a few minutes of his recent broadcast to issue scathing criticisms against the Republican Party front-runner for president, Donald Trump, and his comments and views on defending America from terror threats, by shutting borders to Muslims for a temporary time.
“[He] can’t do this,” Smith said, Business Insider reported. “He’s crazy to even speak of it.”
Smith was interviewing John Bussey, a Wall Street Journal editor, who reminded that several of the Republican candidates have raised red flags about Islam and its ties to terror attacks. Smith, however, turned the talk back to Trump and the influence he seemed to be holding in terms of directing the tone of the national conversation.
“A lot more need to be led by somebody, not to be dragged down the wormhole by some carnival huckster,” Smith said, referring to the American public, Business Insider reported. “Somebody needs to come up and remind them what this nation is and what we’re about and how we dream, the way we were founded, and what our Constitution is. He’s not representing any of that. He’s representing the worst, darkest part of all that is America.”
Smith also said the establishment wing of the Republican Party needs Trump to fade from public view in order to gain enough steam with voters to win the upcoming presidential election.
“It’s the worst-kept secret on Earth that the establishment needs him to go away,” Smith said, the news outlet reported. “Because if he doesn’t go away, there are great fears about what will become of this party as a national party.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/12/foxs-shep-smith-goes-on-tirade-against-trump/#yWiEiCwesI1eBpvP.99My comments: Shepherd Smith is a Spiritually Ignorant man who does not understand the Evil Nature of Islam. Islam would Destroy America in a moment if given the Opportunity. The Koran Demands that they do so.
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