Wednesday, December 2, 2015




Exclusive: Linda Harvey hears from Marco's campaign about pending 'civil rights' bill

The push is on for immoral “LGBT” behaviors to become U.S. civil rights akin to race and religion.
So which GOP candidates will pledge to veto the fascist “Equality Act,” H.R. 3185 and S. 1858, which would exalt these sins while silencing other views by law?
This extremist legislation would nullify religious freedom laws (RFRAs). Its weak religious exemptions provide easy targets for defiance at the first opportunity. Schools would be under federal oversight to mandate pro-homosexual propaganda along with all-gender bathrooms and locker rooms.
The measure is based on unconstitutional religious bigotry, viewpoint discrimination and child corruption, but these extremists don’t care.
Who can Americans count on to protect families and freedom? It won’t be Hillary Clinton, who supports the “Equality Act.”
There was concern among conservatives several weeks back when Sen. Marco Rubio obtained the endorsement of billionaire Paul Singer, known for pressuring the Republican Party to embrace homosexuality. Singer manipulated New York State Republicans to legalize same-sex “marriage” in 2011, a huge win for homosexual groups amid cries of betrayal by conservatives.
But there’s promising news for Rubio-watchers.
Eric Teetsel, the new Rubio director of faith outreach, discussing the Singer endorsement, told me: “Supporters of Senator Rubio buy into his agenda, he doesn’t buy into theirs. One need look no further than his record to see that he is a champion of marriage.”
And what about the Equality Act? Teetsel gave this assurance:
“Regarding the Equality Act, Senator Rubio is opposed to it, and will veto it as president. Senator Rubio is opposed to any law that restricts religious freedom.”
This is very encouraging. Will other GOP candidates promise a similar veto?
The fondest dream of “LGBT” activists is to force even Christians to bow the knee before them and honor these behaviors in the workplace, schools and public accommodations. Some of us will never do that.
Will our next president stand or bow? Will he or she take on Hillary Clinton over her appalling Geneva speech in 2011? That’s where she defiantly declared, “Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights.”
Who has the steel to stand against the wicked and their allies in the media? Let’s look at the top candidates’ track records.
It’s hard to trust Donald Trump on the social issues, and I don’t think that needs much explaining. Of course, he could surprise us. He has already. But dependability? His background within very worldly circles portends little priority on pro-family issues in a Trump administration.
And his deep roots in corporate America may be a liability, unless he plays the maverick once again, because most Fortune 500 companies now, for some ridiculous reason, support the full spectrum of “LGBT” sexual anarchist demands.
Republicans will be pressured heavily by corporate interests. And Mitch McConnell may allow a vote on this. Paul Ryan already voted for ENDA and has voiced support for compulsory homosexual “rights.”
So America needs a president who won’t cave and would also articulate a position that pushes back against acceptance of homosexuality and gender confusion. Remember the capitulation of Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on backing a true religious freedom bill after pressure from Apple, the NCAA, Wal-Mart, Angie’s List and others. And now an Indiana GOP state legislator has foolishly introduced a combination “non-discrimination” bill and RFRA, giving these sexual rebels much of what they want. Some Republicans are dangerously clueless on this issue, essentially cooperating as America is dragged into the sewer.
Let’s look at Dr. Ben Carson. He’s been a strong supporter of authentic marriage, yet he voted on the corporate boards on Costco and Kellogg’s for every pro-”gay” non-discrimination policy considered. Standing up in the board room might have cost Carson his board positions. If he won’t stand there, this does not bode well for the gale-force winds of “LGBT” activism that will be unleashed on a Republican president.
Homosexual activists know how to implement vicious bullying tactics while maintaining a perennial posture of victimhood.
This commitment from Rubio is promising, but his history leaves a few doubts. While consistent on marriage, Rubio made comments about homosexuality, the behavior, that question his resilience under the intense pressure guaranteed to come. The behaviors of sodomy and gender rebellion, not marriage, are the focus of the “Equality Act.”
Rubio told CBS News’ “Face the Nation” he believes people are born with a sexual preference. Rubio also said he would attend a same-sex wedding of a loved one even if he disagreed with that direction.
Ted Cruz is surging in recent polls, and he has taken leadership on controversial social issues, consistently opposing so-called marriage “equality” and defending the rights of states to vote against same-sex unions. He won a case in Texas affirming man/woman unions. He spoke out in opposition to two local “non-discrimination” measures, calling out the corrupt tactics of the Houston mayor during that “bathroom bill” controversy. Cruz even rebuked the Dallas mayor for marching in two homosexual pride parades. He once said he believes homosexuality is a choice and also recently spoke out against transgender school measures.
I asked Teetsel if Rubio would overturn the unconstitutional executive orders of Obama and in particular “LGBT” special rights for federal employees and the Department of Education’s opinion letters deploying Title IX law to support gender confusion and overturn boy/girl privacy rights in schools. I have not yet received a response, but this is a commitment we must get from all the GOP candidates.
Looking at other candidates, we should not trust Jeb Bush nor my Ohio governor, John Kasich. Both appointed open homosexuals and “gay” supporters for key staff positions, sending a clear message that they don’t get it or don’t want to get it. Carly Fiorina’s signals are not good on this. She quickly accepted the SCOTUS marriage decision and moved on. Chris Christie would probably sign a homosexual “rights” bill.
Let’s be wise and choose the most reliably pro-family candidate.

My comments: America is currently under a CURSE from God Almighty for her Abortion Law. She is under a CURSE from God for the Same-Sex Marriage Law. In other words America is a Dead Nation Walking at the present time. Unless these two issues are Renounced and done away with America HAS NO HOPE for a Future before the Living God.

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