Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Conservative Tribune

VIDEO: Tim Allen & Jay Leno OBLITERATE Obama in Brutal 1-2 Punch on National TV

As entertainers go, neither Tim Allen nor Jay Leno has been known to drink the Democrat Kool-Aid. Nor are they the type you’ll ever see behind the wheel of a Nissan Leaf.
Put it together and you have an awesome, Obama-skewering moment on Friday’s “Last Man Standing.”
n the episode, insane car junkie Leno decided to make a guest appearance as a mechanic who’s selling Tim Allen’s character a 1960s-era Chevrolet Impala SS — some good ol’ Detroit steel from the days when the auto industry wasn’t bringing us abominations like the Citation and the Volt.
As he goes over to take a look at the car, Allen’s character notices that Leno’s character has a mechanic’s pit in his garage.
“You have a pit! I’ve always wanted a pit!” Allen’s character exclaims. “You can’t have a pit because of the zoning laws. Hmmph — Obama!”
“You know, that’s his master plan,” Leno’s character said. “Invade Texas, establish a New World Order, and then take everybody’s pit.”
While Obama may not be ready to pull off the conspiracy theorist’s fever dream of invading Texas and disestablishing mechanic’s pits to effect one-world government, there’s no doubt the president’s penchant for overregulation is one of the most egregious qualities of his administration.
Take, for instance, the Waters of the United States initiative. The unconstitutional act, put into effect by the Environmental Protection Agency with no input from Congress, would allow the EPA to regulate almost any body of water larger than a puddle on your property, such as drainage ditches or small ponds. Fortunately, the courts have not been kind to the power grab.
Or perhaps you’ve seen some of Michelle Obama’s infamous school lunches. The first lady’s cafeteria initiative made cafeteria food even more unpalatable and available in even smaller quantities — because apparently, you don’t know what to feed your children.
These are just two of the ways Obama has micromanaged our society for the worse. While Democrats might be willing to defend it, people like Tim Allen and Jay Leno certainly aren’t going to put up with this nonsense.
My comments: If only this were Funny.

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