Monday, October 12, 2015




Discover 'How Masculinity Is Under Attack in America'

By Edward B. Driscoll, Jr.
Watch the trailer for the recent Disney Pixar movie “Inside Out” and you will get a glimpse of Hollywood’s warped ideas about men and women.
The star of the scene is a concerned mother who is sensitive to her daughter’s feelings and takes charge in a difficult parenting situation. The butt of the jokes is a clueless father who daydreams about sports, provokes his daughter and creates “disaster” by getting angry instead of getting to the root of his daughter’s distress.
Viewed alone, the scene is amusing, especially for fathers who may feel like they’re watching a home movie instead of an animated kids flick. But viewed in the context of today’s barrage against dumb dads, the trailer looks more like the latest battlefront in the war on men.
Masculinity is under attack on multiple fronts in America – in schools where boys are treated like defective girls, in colleges where young men are presumed guilty of rape unless proven innocent and even in the justice system where they are treated more harshly than women.
PJTV tackles all of these topics and more in a new six-part video series.
Bill Whittle leads the roundtable discussion with a cast of eight PJTV regulars and contributors, who kick it off with a critique of the current attitude toward boys.
Whittle notes that boys are being medicated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder at more than twice the rate of girls simply because they are more energetic than girls. Dr. Helen Smith, a forensic psychologist and author of “Men on Strike” says that is a direct result of liberal policies shaping public schools for the past three or four decades.
“People don’t know how to deal with boys,” says Smith. “And what they’re doing is … using drugs as an avenue for having boys be cooperative and fitting into a school system that often times they don’t fit into.”
The war on men continues once boys head off to college. The outcry against “rape culture” on campuses has created a scenario wherein feminists are so determined to be right that they believe the worst about men – and even publish hoax stories like the one in Rolling Stone about a supposed gang rape at the University of Virginia.
“There’s this narrative that fraternities are just evil, filled with terrible men who are just preying on women,” said Ashe Schow, a staff writer at the Washington Examiner.
The war also rages in today’s American workplaces, with the focus there encompassing distorted claims of wage inequality for women. Whittle challenges the math behind those complaints, noting that they do not take into account factors such as men working longer hours and gravitating toward work that is more dangerous.
“The so-called war on women is a great political issue, and we’ve seen [President Obama] basically make up statistics and make up facts,” PJ Media contributor Paula Bolyard says. “Yes, there’s a wage gap, but it’s because of different choices that women make.”
In the home, the war on men is being waged through movies, television shows and even commercials that portray dads as incompetent bozos. “The wife is always smarter,” says PJTV contributor Scott Ott. “She’s always got that acerbic wit that bests her husband, and the husband is either sort of a hapless dunce with a heart or a hapless dunce without a heart.”
Whittle illustrates the point by contrasting Ward Cleaver of “Leave it to Beaver” with Homer Simpson of “The Simpsons.” PJTV contributor Stephen Kruiser says the TV commercials are even worse than the shows. “They reinforce the children are going to starve if the father doesn’t get them to a fast-food outlet,” he says.
With stereotypes like that being perpetuated, it should not come as a surprise that men do not fare as well as women in the justice system – be it higher conviction rates than women for equal crimes or the assignment of child custody to women in divorce cases. “Our whole welfare state is predicated on the notion that men, that fathers, that husbands are essentially disposable and can be replaced by a paycheck,” comments PJTV contributor Stephen Green.
PJ Media contributor Rhonda Robinson agrees with Whittle’s conclusion that feminism has gone beyond the pursuit of equality for the sexes, such as the right to vote, to actually destroying masculinity so women can be better than men. The turning point, she says, came in 1963 with publication of “The Feminine Mystique” by Betty Friedan.
Today’s feminists want a gender-neutral world, Robinson says. ““They want to ignore the fact that there are differences. Because if [there are] differences, then you have to acknowledge the strengths and weakness of each.”

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