Tuesday, October 13, 2015





'We're witnessing the rise of an American Hitler'

A prominent black civil-rights leader was left seething after the weekend’s Million Man March anniversary event held by Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in Washington.
“‘Justice Or Else!’ was a hatefest!” said Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, a media commentator, talk-radio host and WND columnist. “The event was reminiscent of a KKK or skinhead rally. With Louis Farrakhan, we’re witnessing the rise of an American Hitler. This demagogue is openly inciting violence against whites and police without fear of prosecution or arrest.”
Farrakhan worked the crowd at the 20th anniversary of the Million Man March in Washington on Saturday with a two-hour speech. He referred to Black Lives Matter, the group that has become associated with cop killers and violent anti-police rhetoric, as the “future leadership.”
“These are not just young people who happened to wake up one morning,” Farrakhan said. “Ferguson ignited it all. So [to] all the brothers and sisters from Ferguson who laid in the streets, all the brothers and sisters from Ferguson who challenged the tanks, we are honored that you have come to represent our struggle and our demands.”
But Peterson pointed out Tony Russell of Hands Up United Ferguson claimed the “or else” in the event’s title “Justice or Else!” was a threat of more riots if the organizers’ demands are not met, which the nation’s current leadership is not taking seriously.
“Farrakhan and Black Lives Matter understand that as long as Barack Obama is president, they have a sympathetic White House and Obama will never authorize federal authorities to investigate or arrest black racists,” said Peterson, author of the forthcoming book,  “The Antidote.”
Colin Flaherty, author of “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It,” said Farrakhan should be taken seriously because he has enormous influence among the black community.
He believes Farrakhan’s rhetoric foments anti-police violence.
“Police officers are under the threat of harassment, taunting, defiance and violence today more than ever before,” Flaherty told WND. “And encouraging that violence has never been more mainstream than it is today. To repeat the lie that white cops are picking on black people all because of racism is to encourage that violence against police.”
Flaherty, who has extensively reported on black mob violence, said the “Justice or Else!” rally fed into a fundamental lie.
“The greatest lie of our generation is that black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything,” he said. “This rally was a monument to that deception. And a call to reporters and public officials around the country to continue to ignore, deny, condone, excuse, encourage, and even lie about black mob violence and black-on-white crime.
“I’m tempted to say more and more people are seeing through the deception. But more and more people are buying into it as well.”
Peterson agreed deception is a key part of Farrakhan’s playbook.
“For decades, Farrakhan has been seducing and deceiving black people, including many weak Christians, by speaking a little truth shrouded in Scripture to administer his vile anti-white, anti-American poison,” Peterson said. “[Saturday's rally] was no different; Farrakhan repeatedly evoked the Bible and twisted the teachings of Jesus Christ. He also misrepresented the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. If the black community still had real men and the black church wasn’t corrupt, a demagogue like Farrakhan would have been run out of town.”
As USA Today reported, the rally was packaged as a call for justice for not only blacks, but also women, Latinos, Native Americans and other minority groups. But Flaherty didn’t believe that the organizers actually cared about other groups and their grievances.
“That’s pure window dressing,” he said. “The Million Man March is a black thing. And if you do not believe it, ask any of the organizers if black lives matter or all lives matter. That will straighten that out.”
One aspect of the rally that Peterson took particular issue with was Farrakhan’s demand for reparations for black Americans – 100 million acres for black people to live separate from whites.
“Nobody is forcing Farrakhan and his supporters to stay in America,” Peterson noted. “They’re free to leave tonight and America will be better off for it.
“As for reparations, white America has paid more than enough with countless programs and affirmative action to help blacks. Black Americans are fortunate enough to live in the greatest country on Earth, and it’s time to drop the hate, blame and victimhood game and start counting your blessings.”
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/10/black-leader-seething-after-justice-or-else-hatefest/#bgRRvrWiyoBiuyXM.99

My comments: As America becomes more godless, agitators like Farrakan will become more Vociferous and more Bold. This is Satan's Demons being loosed on America that has Forsaken God and His Word. 

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