Thursday, September 10, 2015


Image: Tom Tancredo: Trump 'Entirely' Wrong on Taking In Syrian Refugees

Tom Tancredo: Trump 'Entirely' Wrong on Taking In Syrian Refugees

By Bill Donohue   |   Wednesday, 09 Sep 2015 05:08 PM -

Donald Trump is dead wrong saying the United States may need to shelter some of the Middle Eastern refugees now pouring into Europe, former Rep. Tom Tancredo tells Newsmax TV.

"I disagree with him completely and entirely, and not only do we not have to take anybody in, the Europeans should not be doing it, either," Tancredo, a Colorado Republican, said Wednesday on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

"Why is no one asking the most pertinent question of all here, and that is, where the hell are the Saudis? Where are all of the other Muslim countries, [which are] much closer … than Europe to these 'refugees?'

"This is the Islamization of Europe. They're doing this with the approval in many, many cases of ISIS. Many of the people coming are actually terrorists."

On Fox News’ "The O’Reilly Factor," Trump, the billionaire developer and front-runner for 2016 GOP presidential nomination, was asked if the U.S. should harbor some refugees fleeing the Middle East and North Africa.

"I hate the concept of it, but on a humanitarian basis, with what’s happening, you have to … It’s a living in hell in Syria. There’s no question about it. They’re living in hell, and something has to be done," Trump said.
Tancredo — who ran for president in 2008 and is author of "In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security," published by Cumberland House — said Trump’s stance could sting him with voters.

"I don't know whether he's been told that he's got to soften his position on immigration, but … he has gotten where he is today with a firm position," Tancredo said.
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My comments: Tancredo is right, it would be a Big Mistake for the US to take in Syrian Refugees. Islam is an Evil Religion based on the Koran that Incites Violence against Everyone, including its own. Muslims can Never Assimilate because the Koran forbids this. They are Commanded to Kill all Infidels. This makes Every Muslim is a Potential TERRORIST.

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