Monday, September 14, 2015





Massive influx of migrants overwhelming cities, resources, generosity

The refugee crisis in German is rapidly spiraling out of control, and in a historic move the nation has slammed shut its borders in a desperate attempt to stem the deluge of immigrants flooding into the cities to take advantage of the country’s liberal asylum laws and benefits programs.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is approaching her 10th anniversary in office, had put out the welcome mat for hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees. An earlier CBS article dubbed Merkel’s reputation going “from debt villain to migrant heroine” and said, “In the space of two months, German Chancellor Angela Merkel has gone from being portrayed as the heartless villain in Europe’s debt crisis to the heroine of those flooding in to find refuge on the continent.”
The chancellor credits her enduring domestic popularity with her knack for convincing Germans that she takes account of their concerns and remains on top of complicated crises.
She even made the extraordinary claim that Germany can cope with the migrants without raising taxes or jeopardizing its goal of a balanced budget.
“We won’t raise taxes. And we still have the goal of posting a balanced budget without taking on new debt,” Merkel told several local newspapers in an interview.
Reuters reported, “With relatively liberal asylum laws and generous benefits, Germany is the EU’s biggest recipient of people fleeing war in the Middle East and economic migrants from southeastern Europe. A record 104,460 asylum seekers entered Europe’s biggest economy in August, and the country expects about 800,000 refugees and migrants this year – four times last year’s level.
“In light of the influx, the government plans to introduce a supplementary budget to free up funds for the refugees and to help towns in the frontline, which are already struggling to pay for accommodation and fund medical care for the new arrivals.”
Get Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilder’s ominous warning, “Islam Rising: Geert Wilders’ Warning to the West (DVD)” in the WND Superstore!
But the realities contingent upon such a massive influx of desperate people reached a boiling point Sunday night when Germany reinstated border controls to curb the overwhelming flow of migrants. The nation halted all trains from Austria and temporarily suspended the open border “Schengen Agreement” after tens of thousands of Syrian refugees arrived in just the last few days.
On Saturday alone, more than 13,000 migrants arrived into Munich, with thousands more arriving Sunday. Locals claim the city is on the brink of collapse. Vice chancellor Sigmar Gabriel, who is also the country’s economy minister, warned Germany is “at the limit of its capabilities.” He noted it’s not just a question of the number of migrants, but also the speed at which they are arriving that makes the situation so difficult to handle.
Britain’s Daily Mail reports, “German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said: ‘At this moment Germany is temporarily introducing border controls again along [the EU's] internal borders. The focus will be on the border to Austria at first. The aim of these measures is to limit the current inflows to Germany and to return to orderly procedures when people enter the country.’ Mr. de Maiziere added: ‘This step has become necessary. The great readiness to help that Germany has shown in recent weeks … must not be overstretched.’
“Federal transport minister Alexander Dobrindt said that ‘effective measures are necessary now to stop the influx.’
“The authorities are considering whether to open up the Olympiahalle – a stadium used for the 1972 Olympics and which today serves as a concert hall or sports arena – as a temporary shelter for the refugees.”
Germany’s defense minister admitted the country was on the verge of an emergency after cracks have begun to emerge in the “German generosity.” 4000 troops have been put on standby. Germany has been viewed as a leader on Europe’s worst refugee crisis for 70 years. More migrants have arrived at Munich’s train station since the start of September than in the whole of 2014.
It is unclear how long the border controls will remain in place, and Mr. de Maiziere did not give details on how incoming migrants will be handled. At the order of authorities, Germany’s national railway has halted service between Austria and Germany for 12 hours.
So far this year, Germany has allowed 450,000 refugees access and has been praised for its warm welcome to refugees. Merkel defended her liberal policy by saying she was “convinced it was right.”
But as tensions become inflamed, the German people are becoming increasingly hostile to the hordes of migrants. Some protestors have fire-bombed refugee centers. Riot police in Hamburg were forced to keep apart left and right wing demonstrators amid bitter scenes.
According to the Daily Mail, “The European Commission announced plans last week for mandatory quotas to share out 120,000 additional asylum seekers among 25 member countries. But Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania are opposed to this. Today the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban prepared an unprecedented border clampdown.
“‘These migrants are not coming our way from war zones but from camps in Syria’s neighbours … So these people are not fleeing danger and don’t need to be scared for their lives,’ he said. He added how Merkel’s decision to relax asylum laws had caused ‘chaos’ and accused European leaders of ‘living in a dream world’.”
Although the mainstream media has been careful to emphasize pathetic photos of displaced women and children, the vast majority of refugees are men.
As WND reported, “Contrary to popular perception, most Syrian migrants flooding Europe are Muslim men, and not women and children. The most recent breakdown places the men at 72 percent with women coming on at only at 15 percent and children comprising 13 percent. … It has not been confirmed that most are fleeing war and would face persecution if they returned home. Some may be seeking economic opportunities while a number could be radicalized Muslims seeking to take advantage of Europe’s open door policies.”
The Express noted, “Janos Lazar, chief of the Hungarian cabinet, admitted that the possibility of terrorism is growing in Hungary following the refugee crisis.”
In lieu of actually accepting any asylum seekers, Saudi Arabia has offered to “help” Germany cope by building at least 200 mosques and said it would “build one mosque for every 100 Middle Eastern refugees who entered Germany.”

My comments: This "invitation" by Merkel will cost her her Chancellorship. She has demonstrated her Ignorance of Islam, an Evil religion based on the Koran, that Incites Violence against Everyone, including its own. These Muslims will be a Thorn in the side of Germany for the foreseeable Future.

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