Monday, September 7, 2015




Exclusive: Lord Monckton warns, 'Persecution is here now'

The Obama administration, like all totalitarian regimes, has been at odds with Christianity from the start. Now that Obama is at the tail-end of his occupancy of the White House, the administration has thrown all caution to the winds and is attacking the Christian faith on every front.
Obama has deliberately undermined the institution of marriage by promoting so-called “gay” so-called “marriage.” He has not done this because “gays” represent a persecuted minority. A minority, certainly: They represent perhaps 0.5 percent of the population, if that. Persecuted? Certainly not. They already have the right to form civil partnerships, so as to gain the bureaucratic and tax advantages of marriage.
Obama has deliberately promoted child-killing by the abortion funding provisions in Soetero”care.” He promised Mr. Bart Stupak that these provisions would not actually be enforced against the conscience of Christians. Mr. Stupid believed him. It is now all too apparent that that promise, like so many of Obama’s promises, was hollow.
Obama has deliberately bowed to Saudi kings, deferred to Muslims, called himself a Muslim, staged the Rev. Wright pantomime to make it look as though he was Christian, and gone out of his way to spit in the face of traditional Christian teaching. In particular, faced with the massacre or forced relocation of tens of thousands of Syrian Christians, like the House of Lords before the war, he “did nothing in particular, and did it very well.”
Obama’s policy of deliberately targeting Christians has now led directly to the imprisonment of a county clerk for the crime of standing up for her Christian beliefs. It has also led to the punishment of bakers who did not wish to bake “gay” “wedding” cakes, and of home-owners who did not want to let their spare rooms to “gay” couples.
Obama has deliberately done nothing to discourage local authorities who have sought to ban the public display of Christmas trees on the ground that non-Christians might be offended. He has been silent in the face of attempts to remove public inscriptions mentioning God. He has been silent as revisionists pretended that the Founding Fathers had little time for Christianity.
Then there was the shooting in church that took place because the shooter knew he would be safe, as the congregation was not allowed to exercise constitutional right to bear arms.
In the 1920s, the U.S. Communist Party laid out its strategy for bringing America down. A key element in the plan was the undermining of the system of Christian, family based morality that the Founding Fathers had instituted. The moral strength of the United States gave her an authority in the world that was hated by her enemies within and feared her enemies without.
That moral authority has now gone. Mr. Obama has seen to that. He has seen to it most thoroughly and deliberately and consciously.
And the churches, whose leaders in all too many instances were naively left-leaning on the vague and woolly ground that the “Democrats” got most of their votes by handing out taxpayers’ money to those who could not or would not work, paid no attention to the repeated warnings they were given that the “Democrats” would eventually turn on Christianity itself and start to persecute it.
Well, persecution is here now.
The courts, poodles as ever of the establishment, are going along with the communist administration just as eagerly as they did in Stalin’s Russia or Hitler’s Germany. In those countries, too, Christianity was persecuted and penalized. Indeed, Der Sturmer, the in-house propaganda paper of the Sturmabteilung, regularly showed cartoons of fat Catholic Monsignori sitting down with Jewish rabbis to plot the destruction of the Reich. The totalitarians know who their true enemies are.
For the churches have acquired from their Jewish religious forefathers the principles and precepts of the Mosaic Law. That law was until recently largely reflected in the law of the land in the United States. It is the most powerful of bastions against totalitarianism, which is why the totalitarian regime of Mr. Obama is doing its best to sweep every last vestige of it away.
And the Christian churches, how have they responded? Nearly all of them have responded with a deafening, culpable, embarrassed, embarrassing silence.
I now call upon Christian pastors everywhere to stand up and be counted for Jesus. If His message means anything to them, then let them now come forward and defend it against this latest and most insidious attack upon it.
Let us deal with one quite often stated objection straight away. Christian pastors and bishops may feel that it is somehow unkind to homosexuals to preach openly against Obama’s promotion of homosexuality, or unkind to hard-pressed mothers to preach against abortion.
Yet in Christian doctrine, rightly understood, there has always been the very clearest of distinctions between unremittingly speaking out against the sin, on the one hand, and just as unremittingly loving the sinner, on the other.
Where do mothers traumatized by the horror of abortion turn? Not to the callous, uncaring, Soetero”care” state. They turn to the Catholic Church, which speaks out more plainly than most churches in defense of unborn children, who often seem to have no one else to speak for them and, for obvious reasons, cannot speak for themselves. The Church understands how those mothers feel. It does not judge them. It helps them, unreservedly.
By the same token, it is correct for the churches to condemn homosexuality, on the legitimate and scientific ground that it is at least as medically dangerous as smoking, but without in any way condemning homosexuals individually.
Silence, however, is no longer an option. The churches are not very good at working together, but, in the defense of Jesus’ message, I now call upon them to do so. They can no longer ignore the fact that the “Democrats” hate Christianity and will do all they can to destroy it.
The churches have one weapon that they all too seldom use. It is the faithful in the pews. Millions of them. Many of them “Democrat” voters. Church leaders should now get together and draw up a manifesto of laws passed by Obama that they want repealed. They should deliver that list to all presidential candidates. And they should make it clear they will preach against any presidential candidate who fails to state, publicly, his or her support for every item on that manifesto.
Here is what St. Luke said in Chapter 22, verse 36: “Then said He unto them, but now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hat no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.”
Jesus came to bring not peace but a sword. It is time for the church to be the Church Militant once again, or it will all too soon become the Church Forgotten.

My comments: Christ Jesus said: "If anyone is Ashamed of Me and My Words, the Son of Man will be Ashamed of him when he comes in His Glory and in the Glory of the Father and of the holy angels." (Luke 9:26) Today, much of the so called "Church," cowed by the Culture, is ASHAMED of Chrsit Jesus and His Word. 

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