Friday, September 25, 2015


Ben Carson



'Only the latest ridiculous comment this man has made'

Cheryl Chumley

Former CBS News reporter and author Bernie Goldberg, one of Fox News’ most frequent faces, told host Bill O’Reilly on the “O’Reilly Factor” Ben Carson makes so many political gaffes on the campaign trail he actually gives Joe Biden a run for his money.

The backdrop for Goldberg’s comments was the brouhaha that’s swirled regarding Carson’s remarks about Muslims serving in the high White House office.
Goldberg, who has penned best-selling books about bias in the media, slammed Carson for his “pathetic disingenuous explanation” and added: This is “only the latest ridiculous comment this man has made.”
Goldberg cited Carson’s statements about Obamacare as the “worst thing since slavery” and his remarks that hailed back to Nazi days while discussing the state of U.S. politics.
In October 2013, Carson said at the Values Voter Summit in Washington: “You know, Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is in a way, it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government and it was never about health care. It was about control.”
And in March 2014, in an interview with Breitbart, Carson likened the United States government to the Third Reich while speaking about the power of the IRS “to punish its opponents.”
Goldberg said such gaffes make Carson a poor presidential choice.
He said he makes so many gaffes, “he makes Joe Biden sound like Winston Churchill,” Mediaite reported.
This isn’t the first time Goldberg has used his media platform to slam Carson. In March on his blog, the media critic spoke about Carson’s remarks on homosexuality in the harshest of terms.
He wrote: “I am never surprised when stupid people say stupid things but am always fascinated when smart people say stupid things. I have Dr. Ben Carson in mind. The other day, when CNN anchor Chris Cuomo asked Carson if he believed homosexuality was a choice, the doctor replied, ‘Absolutely.’ There may be a few fringe scientists somewhere on the planet who agree with Carson. And there are more than a few people of faith who believe it. But this only confirms another of my long-held beliefs: Religion has the power to make some people better than they otherwise would be. It may even make some people noble. But it also has the capacity to make people incredibly ignorant, especially when the subject has anything to do with science.”
He then called Carson “just such a person,” painting him as someone of “deep and abiding faith who at times confuses the Bible for a science book.”
Goldberg then referred to Carson’s claim that some people who go to prison “go into prison straight, and when they come out, they’re gay,” and quoted a Saturday Night Live skit to make his subtle point: “Dr. Ben Carson went in as a neurosurgeon and came out as a complete idiot.”

My comments: Goldberg demonstrates his Ignorance of the terrible nature of Islam and Ben Carson was correct in his assessment. Islam is and Evil religion based on the Koran that Incites Violence against Everyone, including its own.   

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