Wednesday, August 26, 2015



Rutgers declares: ‘There is no such thing as free speech’
Personal Liberty
As part of a campaign to combat “bias incidents” on campus, Rutgers University’s Bias Prevention and Education Committee has announced that “free” speech doesn’t exist.
The committee has ordered students of the university to always think before speaking to avoid utterances that could be construed by fellow students or university officials as biased or insensitive.
“Bias acts” as defined by the university, include: “[v]erbal, written, physical, psychological acts that threaten or harm a person or group on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, civil union status, domestic partnership status, atypical heredity or cellular blood trait, military service or veteran status.”
Students are encouraged to notify university officials if they believe abiased act has occurred so that the Bias Prevention Committee can investigate.
The university describes its anti-bias committee as a “two-tiered body comprised of the Deans of Students Bias Response Team and the Bias Prevention Education Advisory Panel working in concert to MONITOR, PREVENT, REPORT, RESPOND, and RESTORE environments in the aftermath of BIAS INCIDENTS.”
On the university website, the committee explains how almost any statement that fails the political correctness test on any level could merit investigation.
“There is no such thing as ‘free’ speech,” it says. “All speech has a cost and consequence.”
And it isn’t just students who are affected by the very sensitive policies.
The Bias Prevention and Education Committee has encouraged professors to protect feelings by creating “ground rules with regard to difference and disagreement” and avoid certain discussions based on how students feel “about provocative material, especially that which references issues of race, sexuality, gender, class, religion or any of the other ‘protected classes.’”
My comments: The godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists are INSANE! 

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