Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Image: Rep. Steve King: Congress Can End Automatic Birthright for Children of Illegals

Rep. Steve King: Congress Can End Automatic Birthright for Children of Illegals

By Todd Beamon   |   Saturday, 22 Aug 2015 05:48 - Newsmax

Rep. Steve King said Saturday that Congress had the right to establish laws regarding birthright citizenship to prevent children of illegals born in the United States from automatically becoming citizens.

"There are millions of newly minted citizens who are today sending out the invitations to their family tree and bringing them into America on the family reunification plan," the Iowa Republican told Uma Pemmaraju on Fox News. "It's a foolish immigration policy."
In January, King introduced legislation that would limit birthright citizenship to a child born in the United States to at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen or national, a legal permanent resident living in the United States, or an individual who is serving on active duty status in the Armed Forces.

"The people who say that the Constitution has to be amended in order to end birthright citizenship are invariably the people who think it's a good idea — and those who think it's a good idea generally are the beneficiaries of it," King said.

Those are the "cheap-labor beneficiaries" or even the "political beneficiaries, generally Democrats," the seven-term congressman said.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/steve-king-birthright-illegals-congress/2015/08/22/id/671401/#ixzz3jrNZjPSC 

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