Wednesday, August 19, 2015





Author to discuss biblical case for meltdown readiness

Pastor and author Carl Gallups will be a guest on the popular radio program “Coast to Coast AM” overnight Wednesday into Thursday morning to discuss his new book, “Be Thou Prepared: Equipping the Church for Persecution and Times of Trouble.”

Gallups is scheduled to appear starting at 1 a.m. Eastern Thursday, which is 10 p.m. Wednesday night Pacific. And he brings a warning to Christians around the globe – the world is not safe and it is time for the church to prepare for what is to come.
“Coast to Coast AM,” or “C2C” as it’s often called, has more than 600 affiliates reaching more than 3 million Americans seven days a week. And Gallups says it’s an ideal place to teach about the difficult subjects in his new book.
To be released by WND Books on Sept. 15, “Be Thou Prepared” is a guide containing detailed and specific information on spiritual and practical readiness, covering everything from remaining steadfast during persecution to organizing relief efforts during crisis situations. The book even includes guidance on how to create a church security ministry team to ensure the physical safety of congregants.
It’s also a theological tour de force, covering such difficult subjects as whether Christ’s command to “turn the other cheek” means Christians must abjure self-defense and explaining whether Christians should know how to use firearms.
Gallups points out the global instability wreaking havoc on everything from the economy to national defense. More importantly, Gallups claims, America is in the midst of a social revolution which makes his message more important than ever.
“‘Be Thou Prepared’ speaks to the turbulent times we live in, not just in the world, but especially in relation to the changing cultural and spiritual landscape in the United States,” Gallups told WND. “This book is written primarily for Christians, but in truth, anyone can benefit. It covers all the logistical, spiritual, and philosophical issues all Americans are going to be dealing with in the years ahead, as our country deals with the consequences of becoming totally unmoored from our social, political, and above all, moral traditions.”
Gallups’ previous book, “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” laid out his case Americans are living in a “prophetic generation” that may see the end times. He believes his current book is a guide about how Christians can prepare themselves as individuals and communities to make it through this time of danger.
It’s a view shared by Joel Richardson, a Christian apologist, filmmaker and evangelist. The author of the New York Times bestseller “Mideast Beast: The Scriptural Case for an Islamic Antichrist,” praised “Be Thou Prepared,” saying: “Across the earth, there is a growing sense that we are now rapidly approaching the last days. Now is the time to get ready. Pastor Carl Gallups’ latest work draws upon his past as a police officer with his present calling as a pastor to give us a solid and well-thought-out action plan to prepare for what lies ahead.”
Gallups believes Christians have a moral responsibility to plan ahead for difficult situations.
“It’s not a sign of faithlessness,” says Gallups. “It’s a way of showing the wisdom to be faithful with what God has entrusted to us.”
Gallups urges every church and Christian family in the country to become involved with planning, thinking ahead and aggressively preparing for the potential of tough times. Gallups even invokes Scripture to emphasize what he believes is the duty of Christians to organize for the worst case scenario.
“Look at James 4:17,” teaches Gallups. “Knowing what to do, for the sake of good, but not doing it, is sin.”
Gallups identifies specific incidents when civil society collapsed, most notably in New Orleans immediately following Hurricane Katrina.
“You ended up with the worst of both worlds,” Gallups observed. “You had widespread criminality, anarchy and disorder, and somehow, at the same time, you had government officials going around enforcing wildly tyrannical guidelines and even confiscating firearms.”
As a result, Americans may be forced to rely on themselves for protection, meaning Christians have to begin planning now.
“Once the need becomes apparent,” warns Gallups, “it will already be too late.”
However, Gallups sees preparedness not just as a tool for survival, but a tactic for evangelism. “‘Be Thou Prepared’ isn’t just a manual that answers questions about preparedness; it’s a guide to how the early church acted in circumstances that in some ways were similar to our own,” says Gallups. “They experienced disasters, persecution, and unbelievable trials, and yet they still ministered the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world and spread the truth of the Word.”
Gallups urges Christians to accept the challenge thrust upon this generation.
“We are living in prophetic times,” he said. “But this is grounds for excitement, not despair. I hope in some small way, my book will show Christians how they can serve themselves, their communities, and the world in this difficult age, and I look forward to taking that message to the people.”

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