Monday, August 17, 2015


Blood moon



Rare historical convergence looming

Pastor Mark Biltz, discoverer of the blood-moons phenomenon and the author of “Blood Moons: Decoding the Imminent Heavenly Signs,” says contemporary Christians are being given signs from the heavens.

In Biltz’s opinion, the current sequence of blood moons “is a sign for today’s Christians as judgment always begins in the house of God. I believe the current blood moons also signal the end of an era.”
Biltz notes there’s something else unique about this tetrad: its convergence with biblical holy days.
The April 15 event in 2014, for example, happened during Passover. On Oct. 8, 2014, the blood moon occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. Another of the blood moon’s occurred during Passover on April 4, 2015. The last will happen on Sept. 28, 2015, another Feast of the Tabernacles.
Historically, a blood-moon tetrad also occurred in 1493, while the Jews were being expelled from Spain. Another tetrad occurred in 1949, soon after the state of Israel was founded. The last tetrad happened in 1967, during the Six-Day War between Arabs and Israelis.
Biltz discovered what has become the “blood moon phenomenon” back in 2007, researching the correlation between when blood moons fell on feast days and key historical world events. He found the divine link between prophecy, heavenly signs, historical events, and when they intersect.
The following chapter is excerpted from Biltz’s “Blood Moons,” and is directed at the naysayers of his discovery to explain God is speaking through these heavenly signs.
Blood Moons Chapter 7: For the Naysayers
By Mark Biltz
Since my discovery in March 2008 of the correlation between eclipses past and future and when they fall on the biblical calendar, there have been many naysayers. One of the first objections I heard was that “this is only Mark Biltz’s theory.” But the facts don’t lie. That eclipses actually occur is a fact. That they fall on feast days according to the biblical calendar is also a fact. The biblical calendar is not a theory. It is a fact that when eclipses have fallen on past feast days, major historical events have happened. I do not control eclipses, and I do not have authority over the biblical calendar. The only theory I hold is what significance these events may have, which I will discuss later.
Another objection I’ve heard is that I am a false prophet. But I am not prophesying the coming eclipses. NASA has scientifically determined when they will occur. Neither am I am prophesying that they will fall on biblical holidays. It is not I who determines when they fall. I am not a prophet, nor do I claim to be one. I am just letting the world know a pattern exists between when eclipses have fallen on past feast days and major events that have occurred at the same time. As far as what will happen during the next tetrad, that is up to the reader to contemplate and pray about. Now, of course it is fun to speculate on what it all may mean, but that is no more prophesying than trying to guess who will win a football game. (Go, Seahawks!)
Other grumblers protest that not all of the four eclipses in the upcoming tetrad will be seen in Jerusalem. So what? They weren’t all seen in Israel when that tiny country became a Jewish nation in 1948, and they weren’t all seen in Jerusalem when the Jews recaptured it in 1967! Still, everyone would agree that these were extremely significant prophetic events. And if you didn’t see them, well sorry, you missed it. God will do what He wants to whether we like it or not, know it or not, see it or not, or even care. This is a very narrow view of prophecy anyway. God loves the whole world, not just the Jewish people. And that the eclipses will not all be visible in Jerusalem is a moot point, because with the advent of technology, everyone in Jerusalem – or for that matter, anyone with an Internet connection anywhere in the world – will be able to see every one of these eclipses. Even without technology, every part of the world will see at least one of them. God is announcing His signals to all tribes, tongues, and nations. Remarkably, the final blood moon on the Feast of Tabernacles in 2015 will be seen from Jerusalem. And it will be a supermoon! While it is not larger, it has the appearance of being around 14 percent larger.
Some readers say the eclipses are irrelevant because one time a significant event might come after the four blood moons, and another time it might occur before them. This is also totally missing the point. Think of it this way: America or the United Nations may think that they should get the credit (or blame, depending on how you look at it) for creating Israel in 1948, but the fact that these four blood moons occurred in 1949 and 1950 is, I believe, God’s way of telling the world it was His doing and had nothing to do with the United Nations! They were mere puppets in the hand of God! In 1967, when the first of the four blood moons occurred a few months before the Six-Day War, God was telling the nation of Israel that His hands were going to be all over it. Sadly, these signals were totally missed by everyone anyway, as the connections were not made until I discovered them in 2008. At least this time we have a forewarning of what may come!
Another objection I encounter is from people who are reading what others are saying about the eclipses, and I have nothing to do with their statements. A lot of folks will read articles by writers who misquote me or assume I am saying things that I am not, and then they get all fired up and accuse me of saying things I never said. People really need to check their sources and contact me before spreading rumors.
“You’re saying that a biblically significant event will happen on the very day the eclipses occur,” other folks complain. No, I am not. As noted before, the four blood moons of 1949-50 occurred after Israel became a nation in 1948. The Six-Day War of 1967 did not happen on the day of one of the eclipses either. The eclipses coming in 2014 and 2015 are signs in themselves, as they occur on the feast days. If nothing noteworthy happens in 2014 or 2015, it just means these are signs of things to come.
Then there are the debunkers, and I now have to debunk the debunkers. Some people object [to] the idea that the eclipses occur around major events because they aren’t tied to the seven seals in Revelation. The reason I never tried to tie the eclipses to the seals is because that wasn’t my point, which they totally missed. I wasn’t making predictions or connections to any seals or trumpets in the book of Revelation. My point is to demonstrate that God says He created the sun and the moon to send signals on His feast days. And guess what? There are some big signals coming that will start flashing like a billboard, and if people focus on the seals and not the feast days, they’ll be left in the dark.
Still other people say I am setting dates for when Yeshua will return and will rapture all the saints. No, I am not. I have never set dates and never will. “No one knows the day or the hour,” my accusers chide. Exactly! I have never said I knew the day or the hour. I have no idea when the rapture will happen. The only dates I am setting are when the eclipses will occur on the biblical calendar. Again, it will be exciting if the eclipses and the rapture do happen at the same time, and if you want to think so, more power to you, but one thing I realized a long time ago was that God is not going to consult me as to when He should either come back or raise the dead. I will point out, though, that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If He fulfilled the spring feasts to the day with His first coming, then it makes sense that He would fulfill all the fall feasts to the day with His second coming. Look at what Paul wrote to the Thessalonians: “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5:1–2).
Hopefully by now you realize that when he mentions “times and seasons” he is speaking about the appointed times and the festivals of the Lord. Why does he say there is “no need” for him to write to the church about the feasts? Because they get it! He goes on to say: “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief” (v. 4). Read that several times!
There are three fall feasts that must be fulfilled at Messiah’s coming:
1. The Feast of Trumpets (Do you read anything about trumpets in the book of Revelation?)
2. Yom Kippur (Israel’s national day to be atoned for)
3. The Feast of Tabernacles (when God tabernacles among men for a thousand years)
I have no doubt that different biblical prophetic events will happen on these very days. So yes, I do know the days that events will happen, but I am still not setting dates, because I have no idea what year! All I know is that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and there is no shadow of turning with Him!
Many people speculate on where I am regarding the timing of the rapture. As I said in chapter 4, it doesn’t matter to me. Why do I say that? Because I am not afraid. When a house is on fire, you have people running out and others running in. It depends on what you believe your calling is. I believe the time of Jacob’s trouble will be the “Super Bowl” of human history, and I don’t want to miss it. For me, it’s “Put me in the game, Coach!” I just want to finish the task God has given me to do. If I finish it beforehand, great; take me out. In the middle, that’s fine too. If it’s at the end, okay, Lord. Just let me finish the task You have given me to do. I really believe it will be like when Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch and then was transported to another city. We could be facing danger, and God will transport us to another city. Who wants to miss that?
I used to think how amazing it will be to sit down at the wedding supper of the Lamb with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and hear all their stories. Now I realize, as the Bible says, that even the angels desire to look into the things that are happening in this world as prophecy unfolds. They are waiting excitedly to talk to us and ask us what it was like to participate in the terminal generation, where all of prophecy culminated. I don’t want to tell them, “I don’t know, because I hid behind a rock!” I pray this book is a wake-up call to all the men and women of valor out there who know no fear and who are willing to rise up to the most glorious assignment of joining the heavenly army and fulfilling the task God has called them to do!
Having had two relatives die in the Holocaust, I will never stand idly by while the enemy attacks! Never again will the Jewish people go down as lambs to the slaughter on my watch. I’m in this to the glorious end. We are all going to die anyway, so let’s go in glory! For believers, there is no need to be afraid of death. We just change clothes, so to speak. My only fear is not having completed the job God gave me to do.
Too many Christians waste so much time trying to determine when the rapture is going to take place that they get absolutely nothing done for the kingdom. There are no extra points for being right. And if you are wrong, it doesn’t mean you won’t be raised from the dead. I would rather be wrong and ready than right and unprepared. God does not care about my personal view of the rapture anyway. He only cares if I am doing what He told me to do.
In the WND Superstore is Biltz’s “Blood Moons.”

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