Monday, August 3, 2015





Exclusive: Gina Loudon reveals why largest abortion provider is 'in big trouble and cannot survive'

Planned Parenthood is in big trouble and cannot survive. It has become its own worst enemy. The Planned Parenthood butchers still believe that this will blow over and that they will continue killing babies and selling their parts for profit, but they’re delusional.
Here are the reasons why Planned Parenthood will not survive this scandal.
1) It’s not the crime; it’s the cover-up.
Does anyone remember Watergate? If Nixon had apologized and canned a few campaign staffers, that iconic scandal would have been forgotten quickly. The Planned Parenthood butchers went judge shopping and found a leftist in a black robe who would put a restraining order on Center for Medical Progress to keep it from releasing any more videos. They are also orchestrating a media blackout of the story – which leads me to No. 2.
2) The left does not control the flow of information any longer.
Traditionally, the left has been able to control the media. If a leftist group like the Planned Butcherhood abortionists want a negative story to go away, they call their buddies at the network news channels and they ask them not to cover the story. And if they want to control the story narrative, they send an email over to their alphabet-soup network friends, and their talking points are regurgitated verbatim. The left still holds that same influence over the news media, but no one watches them anymore!
Social media is where everyone under 40 gets their news.
The Media Research Center has been documenting the network coverage of the Planned Parenthood baby-butchering scandal, and there is definitely a media blackout of the story.
I joined Neil Cavuto and Rich Noyes of Media Research Center on Fox News to discuss the media blackout.
On social media, Planned Parenthood has been trending for weeks. Just as it drops off of the top trending list of topics, another video is released and it starts trending again. And that is exactly why people are turning off the news and going to social media to get their news.
3) The cat is already out of the bag.
I interviewed Dr. Gary Cass, a board member of Operation Rescue. He told me the videos have been dispersed all over the country and the world. Therefore, Planned Parenthood's tactic of judge shopping until they find a judge to block the Center for Medical Progress' videos won’t work. The videos are in the hands of too many, already, and as Dr. Cass told me, there is "no stopping it now."
4) The disturbing images are seared into our minds.

#BlackLivesMatter, but #BabyBlackLivesMatter, too. And pictures are the operative psychological component. Historically, when there is a mass human atrocity, many times it is pictures that jolted the world back to reality. Think of Cold War Russia, and the images of the tanks parading through Red Square. Think of Nazi Germany, and the pictures of the slain from the gas chambers lying in piles. The world woke up.
For a long time America has known that there is a holocaust on black babies, and that Margaret Sanger said she wanted to "eradicate the black race," so that is why she founded Planned Parenthood. But the world has been in denial.

Even Planned Parenthood used to admit that abortion kills a baby.
Now that the world has seen the baby parts chopped up like Chinese food on a tray, the world knows the truth and can no longer deny it. The psychological imprint is seared into the conscious of the country, and that is impossible to erase.
5) The left can't deny science any longer.
Medical advances are able to save premature babies earlier than ever nowadays. Now that we have technology that enables us to look into the womb at the miracle of a developing baby, the argument that a fetus is not a baby doesn’t work any longer.
6) Plausible deniability of humanity excuse: Gone.
Very simply, if you can use these tiny humans to save other humans, it will be impossible to continue to deny their humanity. Their own best argument for selling baby parts is that it is to "save other humans," as if they are doing a good deed. But the more they say it, the more they finally admit that the baby is not a mass of tissue, as they have campaigned.
7) Democrats are about to ditch Planned Parenthood.
Democrats always have their fingers in the air, checking to see what issues are political winners. Public support for abortion in Planned Parenthood is waning. Since Democrats base all of their political ideology on grabbing voting sections of the American public to win power, if support for Planned Parenthood wanes in the court of public opinion (as it undoubtedly is), Democrats will scatter. Watch for that to happen in the days and weeks to come.
All of this could not happen at a more perfect time to a more perfectly deserving entity.

My comments: Even if the Democrats 'Ditch" Planned Planned Parenthood, and to me this is doubtful,  as Abortion at any point is a Primary Objective for them, They will continue to support Private Party Abortion. The real question is: Does America have any Moral Fiber left in her, Or will she continue to allow the godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist Democrats take the Nation to Hell with them. 

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