Saturday, July 25, 2015




Exclusive: Curtis Ellis calls candidate 'the most dangerous man in America today'

Sen. Lindsay Graham says Donald Trump is “one of the great showmen of our time. Look at all these companies that have hired him to sell their products.”
You’d think the GOP would be happy to have him selling their brand, especially with the public eagerly buying what he’s selling. Instead, they treat him like a leper.
Trump has exposed the lies and deception that constitute American politics today.
Washington politicians rely on consultants, polls and talking point memos to know what to say.
Donald Trump doesn’t need someone to tell him what he thinks.
Washington politicians rely on money from a corporatist elite that has no loyalty to America. He who pays the piper calls the tune, and this same crowd is pushing the Trans-Pacific Partnership, having showered $135 million on Congress in just three months this year. Is it any wonder members voted for Obamatrade despite calls to their offices running 100 to 1 against it?
Donald Trump doesn’t need money from K Street’s bagmen.
Washington politicians cower in fear of a corporate media complex that determines which candidates are “serious” and “viable” and what is politically correct, acceptable discourse. The same interests that fund politicians fund the media, and make sure pundits keep politicians on the approved script.
Donald Trump tells the corporate media to shove it. He’s turned the dynamic between candidate and media on its head. The media are accustomed to telling politicians what they can say and shunning those who disobey. But the media machine’s need to deliver ratings uber alles makes it impossible to ignore Trump even as the bloviators accuse him of being politically incorrect and substance-less.
Trump says what Americans who can no longer make a living know to be true: Unrestricted immigration and so-called “free trade” are destroying the American Dream. The corporatist cronies who’ve captured Washington want access to cheap labor everywhere, so their paid presstitutes rule these topics off-limits for “serious” contenders.
The last candidate to attack the job-killing “free trade” policies pursued by both parties was Ross Perot, and the pundits did all they could to cast him as a joke. It’s no coincidence they insist on calling Trump a clown. We’ll see who has the last laugh.
The Washington-media establishment’s rejection of Trump reveals our two parties are but two wings on the same bird of prey, as Pat Buchanan so memorably put it.
Trump is a threat to the globalist cartel that has captured both parties in Washington.
That’s why Donald Trump is the most dangerous man in America today.

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