Monday, July 27, 2015


Then I saw as the Lamb broke open one of the Seven Seals,
And as if in a voice of thunder
I heard one of the four Living Creatures call out, Come!

And I looked and saw there a White Horse whose Rider carried a bow,
And a Crown was given him,
And he rode forth conquering and to conquer.
[Zech. 1:8; 6:1-3; Ps. 45:4, 5.]

And when He broke the Second Seal,
I heard the Second Living Creature call out, Come!

And another horse came out, flaming red.
And its Rider was empowered to take Peace from the Earth,
So that men Slaughtered one another;
And he was given a Huge Sword.

When He broke open the Third Seal,
I heard the Third Living creature call out, Come and look!
And I saw, and behold, a Black horse,
And in his hand the Rider had a pair of scales (a balance).

And I heard what seemed to be a voice
From the midst of the Four Living creatures saying,
A quart of wheat for a denarius [a whole days wages],
And three quarts of barley for a denarius;
But do not harm the Oil and the Wine! [2 Kings 6:25.]

When the lamb broke open the Fourth Seal,
I heard the Fourth Living Creature call out, Come!

So I looked, and behold, an ashy pale horse
[Black and blue as if made so by bruising],
And its Rider name was Death, and Hades [the realm of the dead]
Followed him closely;
And they were given Authority and Power over a Fourth Part of the Earth,
To Kill with the Sword and with Famine and with Plague (pestilence, disease)
And with wild beasts of the Earth. [Hos. 13:14; Ezek. 5:12.]

When the Lamb broke open the Fifth Seal,
I saw at the foot of the Altar
The Souls of those whose lives had been sacrificed
For [adhering to] the Word of God and for the Testimony they had borne.

They cried out in a loud voice, O (Sovereign) Lord, Holy and True,
How long now before You will Sit in Judgment
And Avenge our blood upon those who dwell on the Earth?
[Zech. 1:12; Ps. 79:5; Gen. 4:10.]

Then they were each given a long and flowing and festive white robe
And told to rest and wait patiently a little while longer,
Until the number should be complete
Of their fellow servants and their brethren,
Who were to be Killed as they themselves had been.

When He [the lamb] broke open the Sixth Seal,
I looked, and there was a Great Earthquake;
And the Sun grew black as sackcloth of hair,
(The full disc of) the Moon became like Blood. [Joel 2:10, 31.]

And the stars of the sky dropped to the Earth
Like a fig tree shedding its unripe fruit out of season
When shaken by a strong wind. [Isa. 34:4.]

And the Sky Rolled Up like as scroll and vanished,
And every mountain and island was dislodged from its place.

Then the kings of the Earth and their noblemen and magnates
And their military chiefs and the wealthy and the strong
And [everyone, whether] slave or free,

And they called to the mountains and the rocks,
And from the Deepseated Indignation and WRATH of the Lamb.
[Hos. 10:8; Isa. 2:19-21.]

FOR THE GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH (vengeance, retribution, indignation)
Has come, and who is able to stand before it? [Joel 2:11; Mal. 3:2.]
(Revelation 6, AMP)

Think about the Arrogance of the Rulers of the World today?
Today, they are gathering together
And have taken their Stand AGAINST the Lord
And His Anointed One, Christ Jesus;
They have THROWN OFF the Restraint of the Word of God
And have gone their own way, Deceived by Satan.

SOON, They will make the son of Satan their “god”
And worship him and receive his “mark.”
Then, they and the Whole World will declare PEACE and SAFETY!

UNTIL the Lamb of God begins opening the SEALS!
And the Great Tribulation of God Almighty begins.

Be always on the Watch,
And pray that you will be able to Escape All that is about to happen,
And that you may be able TO STAND before the Son of Man.
(Luke 21:36)

Today, the World is raging against God, rushing toward Oblivion. (Psalm 2)
This World in it's present form is passing away. (1 Corinthians 7:31)
America is being ground to powder because of her SIN against God.
Save yourself from this Corrupt Generation! (Acts 2:40)
As God has written, so shall it be! Hallelujah! Maranatha!
Father, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as in Heaven!

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