Survey shows fewer than ever feeling the love for the USA
The number of U.S. citizens saying they’re “extremely proud” to be an American has fallen off in recent years – and not just by a little bit.
Currently, 54 percent of Gallup survey respondents expressed “extreme” pride in being born American. But that’s down from 70 percent in the years between 2002 and 2004, Gallup found.
“In addition to the 54 percent who are extremely proud to be an American, 27 percent say they are ‘very proud,’ 14 percent say they are ‘moderately proud,’ 4 percent are ‘only a little proud’ and 1 percent state that they are ‘not at all proud,’” the poll found.
Gallup has polled on this question since 2001 and found the highest percentage of those answering “extremely proud” came in 2003, when America just kicked into high gear with the Iraq war – and likely still thought long and hard about the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil on Sept. 11, 2001, when “patriotism surged,” Gallup said.
The poll also found vast differences in respondents’ replies, based on age and demographics.
“While most Americans are proud to be an American, certain groups are especially likely to say they are extremely proud,” Gallup said. “‘Extreme pride’ rises for each succeeding age group, from a low of 43 percent among those under 30 to a high of 64 percent among senior citizens. Extreme pride also varies regionally, from a high of 61 percent in the South to a low of 46 percent in the West.”
Republicans, too, are more apt to express extreme pride in the nation. Sixty-eight percent of GOPers versus 47 percent of Democrats answered Gallup’s survey by citing extreme pride in their country.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/07/proud-to-be-an-american-not-so-fast/#qCeTZMlLkAc7xyDs.99My comments: America has become a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist Nation that has SPENT THE FUTURE of the Millennials. A Nation of an Abortion Holocaust that is currently living on Worthless Printed Money--Racking up more Debt every day with no End in Sight. A Nation in the process of taking away the Religious Liberty of every Christian.
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