Monday, July 6, 2015


Islam’s Barbarian Female Sexual Mutilation: **WARNING GRAPHIC

AS much as you want to veer your gaze away, it would be a mistake to do so.
For without understanding the barbarism inherent in Islam, it becomes that much harder to convince others of the dangers, let alone yourselves.
THEREFORE, stay focused. Buck up.
Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
SUMMER time evokes giddy delight from most western school children. Even academically precocious students count off the days until sun and fun is upon them. The season is oft referred to as the ‘lazy days’ of summer. Not for nothing.
ON the other side of the spectrum, to an increasing amount of young females in committed Islamic families, summer is awaited with dread. This hovering dark cloud is (mostly) an unknown within non-Muslim American and western circles. Regardless, it is time to wake up, for its boomerang effects are felt in untold ways.
IN any case, this discussion will address Islamic mutilation, but it dare not be distracted by those who seek to conflate (medically performed, or via highly trained others) male circumcision to female cutting – genital mutilation – aka FGM. The focus is about the barbaric underpinnings of Shariah Law, that which dictates FGM and every other aspect of Islamic life, most importantly, jihad.
YES, believe it or not, digging into Shariah Law lends a window into the crazed, hyper-charged mindset which drives jihad.
MORE specifically, Islamic views on women are demonstrably germane. Muslim males are obsessively preoccupied with keeping them on a tight leash. Concomitantly, their libidos MUST be kept in check, and this is key and core.
IT is this sexual component which has everything to do with their bloody rampages, and will tie back to FGM. Wait and see.
AS evidenced in a October 2014 commentary,
An understanding of these truths is not commensurate with being taken in by the babbling of excuse making. World’s apart. The aforementioned is deeply and culturally embedded. Much of it traces back to the beginning of their upbringing, via Muslim society’s ingrained twisted mother-child relationship. This cultural pattern holds true for both male and female children. By duly exploring Islam & Blooda policy paper this investigative journalist had the privilege to work on, its underpinnings can be found. Imbibe it.
CONSEQUENTIALLY, couple said abnormal rearing/roots with a “blame and shame” culture and all (mental and physical) hell breaks loose. A firestorm of pent-up fury. Significantly, much of it plays out through sexual orgasmic relief, when blowing themselves and “the other” up. This is not a bogeyman’s tale. It is the G-d’s honest truth.
Let us now turn our full attention to Arab/Islamic culture.
STILL, to glean insight into Shariah Law’s underpinnings for the sexual cutting of females, it is intrinsic to internalize its Islamic justifications.
Female circumcision has not been prescribed for no reason, rather there is wisdom behind it and it brings many benefits.
Mentioning some of these benefits, Dr. Haamid al-Ghawaabi says:
The secretions of the labia minora accumulate in uncircumcised women and turn rancid, so they develop an unpleasant odour which may lead to infections of the vagina or urethra. I have seen many cases of sickness caused by the lack of circumcision.
Circumcision reduces excessive sensitivity of the clitoris which may cause it to increase in size to 3 centimeters when aroused, which is very annoying to the husband, especially at the time of intercourse.
Another benefit of circumcision is that it prevents stimulation of the clitoris which makes it grow large in such a manner that it causes pain.
Circumcision prevents spasms of the clitoris which are a kind of inflammation.
Circumcision reduces excessive sexual desire.
Then Dr al-Ghawaabi refutes those who claim that female circumcision leads to frigidity by noting:
Frigidity has many causes, and this claim is not based on any sound statistics comparing circumcised women with uncircumcised women, except in the case of Pharaonic circumcision which is where the clitoris is excised completely. This does in fact lead to frigidity but it is contrary to the kind of circumcision enjoined by the Prophet of mercy (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) when he said: “Do not destroy” i.e., do not uproot or excise. This alone is evidence that speaks for itself, because medicine at that time knew very little about this sensitive organ (the clitoris) and its nerves.
From Liwa’ al-Islam magazine, issue 8 and 10; article entitled Khitaan al-Banaat(circumcision of girls).
The female gynaecologist Sitt al-Banaat Khaalid says in an article entitled Khitaan al-Banaat Ru’yah Sihhiyyah (Female circumcision from a health point of view):
For us in the Muslim world female circumcision is, above all else, obedience to Islam, which means acting in accordance with the fitrah and following the Sunnah which encourages it. We all know the dimensions of Islam, and that everything in it must be good in all aspects, including health aspects. If the benefits are not apparent now, they will become known in the future, as has happened with regard to male circumcision – the world now knows its benefits and it has become widespread among all nations despite the opposition of some groups.
Then she mentioned some of the health benefits of female circumcision and said:
It takes away excessive libido from women
It prevents unpleasant odours which result from foul secretions beneath the prepuce.
It reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections
It reduces the incidence of infections of the reproductive system.
In the book on Traditions that affect the health of women and children, which was published by the World Health Organization in 1979 it says:
With regard to the type of female circumcision which involves removal of the prepuce of the clitoris, which is similar to male circumcision, no harmful health effects have been noted.
And Allaah knows best.
LADIES, you got that, excessive arousal ‘annoys’ the husband and that is that! Well, retrograde Islamists are hardly the arbiters of healthy sexuality. Oh, my. Actually, rumor has it, normal, healthy males would beg to differ too, as part of their pleasure is knowing that their partner is satisfied.
ALAS, it is time to view what the ‘lazy days’ of summer entail for untold numbers of young Muslim females in America and western nations.
Standing barefoot with a viciously sharp blade in her hand this is a cutter woman who performs female genital mutilation (FGM) on young girls as part of a misguided belief it prevents promiscuity and maintains family status in the traditional community. Half-blind, with just a couple of teeth left, Anna-Moora Ndege started cutting girls’ sexual organs over 70 years ago.


At first she used a six-inch nail, sharpened on stone to create a crude flat blade. Now she uses a razor blade – bought at the little shop at the end of the dirt track leading from her mud hut in rural Africa. Ndege, 86, along with Agnes Kerubo, are two of the cutters that can be found in villages, towns and cities in Kenya and across Africa and parts of the Middle East where communities cling on to this barbaric tradition.
She said: ‘Girls are cut to ensure they remain faithful because the sexual organ is not there anymore. When you are cut you will not be a slut looking for men here and there like a prostitute. ‘You are docile, waiting for your husband because after you are cut, sex is for having children not for anything else.’
Although outlawed across the developed world and many parts of Africa, the practice continues among tens of thousands of families who fear being outcast if they do not submit their daughters to this horrific ordeal.
Over one million girls and women living in Europe and North America have been affected by FGM, according to welfare groups. Some 700,000 victims live in Europe – 140,000 in the UK and 100,000 in France. A further 500,000 women in the USA have undergone the procedure or are in danger of being forced into it.
As one British victim said: ‘Everyone thinks it’s not the girl in Manchester, in Cardiff or London being taken away and having FGM but it’s exactly these girls, they are not girls who are immigrants or here on holiday.’
And this summer tens of thousands of Muslim girls living in Europe and North America will be brought to Africa by their parents to undergo FGM as part of a warped bid to maintain their status in the traditional society. School holidays are known as the ‘cutting season’. It is estimated that there are three million new FGM victims every year across the world.
Keruba, 62, said: ‘Circumcision is an important festival. It’s a celebration like Christmas. It unites people. There is feasting and drinking and dancing. ‘When you are cut that’s when you can grow healthily into a woman because the bad blood is not there anymore. In the body there is good blood and bad blood. After a girl is cut the bad blood is gone.’
Kenyan anti-FGM campaigner Ester Ogeto said girls and their families – even if they are now living in Western countries – are put under tremendous pressure to adhere to this barbaric tradition. Some communities believe a woman cannot become pregnant unless she has been ‘circumcised’.
Ogeto said: ‘Families worry that their girls will be made outcasts and be shunned if they are not cut. She would be called names – told that she was smelly, told that her “organ would grow until it touched the floor”.
‘When a girl has been cut she is considered to be grown up, even if she is three years old. Girls are cut to fit into their community. After that she can get married and become pregnant.’
MOST significantly, since Shariah Law dictates every aspect of Islamic life, be it social, political or anything in between, not one aspect is left to free will. None. This is the barbaric result.
I first learned about female genital mutilation (FGM) in 1976, when my esteemed feminist colleague, an American in exile from her native South Africa, Dr. Diana Russell, published her proceedings of a legendary International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women. One woman from Guinea testified about FGM.
What she said was horrifying. Using no anesthesia, women, including the victim’s female relatives, held down girls of twelve and “without any anesthesia or regard for hygiene” attacked their genitalia with “the neck of a broken bottle… when the clitoris had been ripped out, the women howled with joy.” This witness also said that in other countries, “this savage mutilation is not enough; it is also necessary to sew the woman up…leaving only a small space for the passage of blood and urine.”
Another witness, from France, testified more on the side effects and complications of this procedure: “Hemorrhage, tetanus, urinary infection and septic anemia are not infrequent results. The perineum (tissue) of those who survive hardens, and will tear in childbirth.” She explained that some women experience agony if their clitoral area is even gently touched. And those who give birth may develop fistulas (urinary and bowel incontinence) and may be rejected by their families because of their foul odor. This practice is pandemic all over the Arab Middle East and among Christians, Muslims, and animists in black Africa.
SO forget all about the outright lies and justifications proffered via the above Islamic mouthpiece, Dr al-Ghawaabi, yes, “no harmful health effects have been noted. And Allaah knows best.”
TO wit, in light of the facts at hand, internalize what it means that Muslim girls in America (throughout the west) are being ferried to Islamic nations to undergo the barbaric ritual of FGM, yet, a scant few so-called feminists raise their ire. Why is this?
AND, for the record, as reported in 2014, despite HUSSEIN Obama’s pithy verbal support to end FGM, what has he done in practice to that end? You guessed it.
RATHER, Obama Inc. has manifestly increased Muslim immigration into the U.S.,bringing more adherents to FGM than less. Therefore, what are the odds that FGM will cease for girls in the U.S. ala medical tourism?

LESS than slim to none.

BOTTOM LINE: Islam’s barbarians recognize no bounds, physical boundaries notwithstanding. After all, the Islamist-in-Chief has ensured said outcome for generations to come!


My comments: Islam is an Evil Religion based on the Koran that Incites Violence against Everyone, including its own. 

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