Thursday, July 30, 2015


Conservative Tribune

Leaked Copy Of Obama’s Iran Deal Goes Public… Paragraph 36 Will Blow Your Mind

Last Tuesday, a 159-page PDF of President Barack Obama’s Iran nuclear deal was leaked online. Paragraph 36 was the most shocking of the agreement — a part the president would probably prefer hadn’t become public, as it demonstrated just how much of a joke the pact actually was.
According to the deal’s 36th paragraph, any party — Iran or any future U.S. president — can essentially end the Iran nuclear deal with 35 days notice.
Iran can claim that any one of the P5+1 nations is “not meeting its commitments” under the deal. That will then set off a 35-day set of meetings and, when the clock runs out, Iran can claim that the issue “has not been resolved to (its) satisfaction.”
If that were to happen, Iran would be released from performing its end of the bargain, thus ending the agreement.
What makes this clause of paramount importance is that Iran can still receive its $150 billion and gain long term contacts with the West — then decide to use this exit strategy to its benefit, making the restrictions placed on it null and void (H/T WZ).
While paragraph 36 poses a great exit strategy for Iran, it also allows for any U.S. president to void the deal as well. If a Republican who denounced the bill from the start gets elected into office, they could actually revoke it under this provision.
Of course, by then Iran will already have gotten billions of dollars from the West.

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