Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Faith Works By Love
Harriett Ford

All scripture is given . . .for correction and for instruction, 2 Timothy 3:16 (KJV)

The old fellow groaned as he hobbled painfully up the steps to the church door.
"God must have sent that illness to teach that man something," a woman lamented. This assumption is often widely held in churches.

I find plenty of examples in the Old Testament which seemed to indicate God used plagues and illness to punish and correct disobedience, but not one in the New Testament.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.Rom 8:2 KJV

The Lord seemed to impress on my spirit, "I have given you my Word for correction."He showed me how failure to walk in love cancels faith and permits the enemy an inroad. He said, "I corrected Peter's denial of Me three-times by having him repeat and affirm his love three times."

Faith works by love and love overcomes all things, Gal. 5:6 and I Cor. 13.

Father I thank You that it is Your love which corrects me and not some disaster or tragedy. I know those things do not come from You. It is Satan who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Help me to walk in love that I may thwart his every attack by faith and bring glory to Your name.

My comments: Faith works by love and Obedience. We show our love for God by our Obedience to God.

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