Monday, July 6, 2015


July 6, 2015
Jindal has sharpened tool for 2016
By Jordan Debbink

"Great leaders don't blame the tools they are given. They work to sharpen them."
When I think of the ideal leader, I think of three qualities that should be visible to the common person.
1. Confidence

2. Humility

3. Life honoring

Visible actions of these 3 characteristics will encourage me to trust and support a leader. In a field that is lined with honorable men and women who ambitiously and selflessly are putting themselves forward to be the next President of the United States, there is only one who i believe has these qualities and has shown them at every turn.
Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. Bobby Jindal started his political career as the assistant secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services under George W. Bush's administration. In order to pursue further political ambitious to help people, he ran for the United States Congress. Prior to his second term finished, he returned to the state of Louisiana and ran for governor. He handily won in 2007 and 2011. But it is not his ability to win elections or his knowledge of healthcare systems that impressed me. It was this ability to lead in the chaos.

In my book, "'Heroes of Faith," I have a chapter devoted to the governor. In this chapter I highlight the governor's work on the BP oil spill and the hurricanes that plagued his coastline. As a Congressman, Jindal witnessed the destruction of hurricanes Rita and Katrina. As Governor, he witnessed Ike, Gustav and Isaac. 
In all circumstances, he was instrumental in saving lives. As governor he issued mass evacuation orders in advance, helping people that lived near the shoreline get to higher ground and safety. His life honoring values rang true and bold in the face of Mother Nature. He was key in the moving of the largest medical evacuation, saving over 10,000 lives.

Governor Jindal has also shown great his efforts to clean up the BP oil spill. While BP and the federal government lacked the proper leadership and commonsense to get the job done, take responsibility and clean up the shore lines, Jindal was confident in his ability to cut red tape and be innovative in his approach.
Governor Jindal is a man of great faith. Coming from a family of Indian heritage, he struggled with his conversion to Christianity out of respect of his family. In his tenure as governor, he has held many Days of Prayer, Prayer breakfasts and made many statements, humbly affirming that our nation needs to seek God.

This is a man that has led from within. He has listened to locals on issues that matter to them, he has ignored and fought Washington red tape and bureaucracy, and he has invoked God for guidance. He never complained about the situations he had to deal with, he sharpened his information and utilized those around him to get the best results.
Jindal 2016 is about more than one man fulfilling a political dream. It is about One Nation uniting for the good of the people to restore all that so many have died fighting for.
© Jordan Debbink

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