Monday, July 6, 2015


July 6, 2015
Gov. Bobby Jindal to Hannity -- "I invite Americans to join a cause, not a campaign."
By Michael Bresciani

In a remarkable full one hour interview with Sean Hannity on the evening of July 3, 2015 Governor Bobby Jindal (R) Louisiana presented his case for why Americans should "join a cause" instead of a campaign. In a detailed and fully articulate explanation, void of pauses and obfuscation, Jindal masterfully answered all of Hannity's questions.
Jindal referred to his Christian faith and his pro-life stand repeatedly and unashamedly. Jindal believes that every child has the right to live.
He let it be known that in spite of the recent "homosexual marriage" ruling in the Supreme Court that he will defend the religious freedoms of Americans above all else.
Jindal in a quote, reminded his audience that it was not America that gave us our religious freedom, but it was our religious freedoms that gave us America.
When asked about the complaints of some in Louisiana for making severe budget cuts, he said, "guilty as charged" and since Louisiana has snipped a whopping 26 percent of its budget to bring its outlay in line with its income, it is something to be proud of rather than hide from or deny.

His view of Barack Obama is that he (Obama) has completely succeeded in transforming America at the same time he has failed. The Governor says Obama has destroyed the economy, shunned our greatest ally in the Middle East (Israel) and made our allies mistrust us while our enemies have ceased to fear us. Jindal said he would rebuild our military so it is second to none.
He said he would trash all of Obama's lawless and un-constitutional executive orders and dump ObamaCare for a better and truly affordable health care plan. As the former executive director of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of Medicare; and with an education in health policy from Oxford University, Jindal is not guessing about what to do with healthcare.

With proven results in crisis management as seen in the flawless evacuation of almost two million Louisianans in hurricane Gustav the Governor comes from an experienced and well-seasoned background of public service.
This writer is biased by only one fact – I am a Louisianan. Yet, prior to Jindal's announcement to join the candidates for the Oval Office in the 2016 race I took little notice of him because I have been so deeply immersed in national rather than state or local politics.

The interview with Hannity was a wakeup call to me and I cannot think of a more powerful and experienced man for the White House since watching this video.
See if you agree.
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29: 2)
© Michael Bresciani
My comments: You MUST listen to this interview of Bobby Jindal by Hanity. Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz are at the Top of my list. They really are Christians.

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