Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Late Chuck Colson Prophesied This Woeful Day in American History — Charisma News

The Late Chuck Colson Prophesied This Woeful Day in American History — Charisma News

"But now, religious freedom may have to settle for equality with freedom of sexual expression, because it is overriding religious freedom at every turn. This is the battle we're having with a number of great cultural pressures. We can't stand for the Defense of Marriage Act, even if, with us, it's a matter of religious conscience, because to do so is to 'do harm to gays.'
"The gay rights juggernaut is grinding down on us. It's the most ominous threat on the horizon in America, and with all the threats we have, that's a pretty big statement—because it threatens not only to institute something which is an abomination to God, but also to crush our religious liberties in the process.

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