Thursday, June 25, 2015




Critics blast Supreme Court decision upholding Obamacare

Garth Kant
WASHINGTON – “An out-of-control act of judicial tyranny,”  said former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
A dumbfounded Judge Andrew Napolitano said the chief justice employed “bizarre and odd contortions” to save the statute twice.
House Speaker John Boehner called the Supreme Court, in this instance, “An unelected, unaccountable board of bureaucrats.”
“I am stunned that the Supreme Court expanded the power of the executive branch to rewrite law it doesn’t like. Not only does this decision prop up a failed policy, it enshrines the principle that the president can trump Congress,” observed Rep. Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho.
Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, said the decision “does not change the basic truth: Obamacare is a bad law, sold deceptively, and it is fundamentally broken.”
“Without this court case, I think we’ve lost the leverage to actually have the president negotiate with us,” said Sen Rand Paul, R-Ky.
It will not stop the “rolling disaster” that is Obamacare, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said this doesn’t mean Obamacare is fixed, and never will be unless a Republican is elected president in 2016.
Condemnation of the Supreme Court decision effectively upholding Obamacare is streaming in from Republicans and conservatives.
In a 6-to-3 ruling in King v. Burwell, both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy sided with the left wing of the court to confirm the legality of the nationwide tax subsidies in Obamacare. If the court had ruled otherwise, it would have meant six-to-eight million people would have lost their subsidies, effectively overturning the law.
Perhaps the strongest condemnation of the ruling came from the court, itself.
In his dissent, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote, “We should start calling this law SCOTUScare, “using the acronym for the Supreme Court of the United States.
“Words no longer have meaning if an Exchange that is not established by a State is ‘established by the State,’” he added. “It is hard to come up with a clearer way to limit tax credits to state Exchanges than to use the words ‘established by the State.”
Huckabee said the courts have “no constitutional authority to rescue Congress from creating bad law.”
“As a physician, the Supreme Court missed an opportunity here. Obamacare is making all insurance more expensive,” reflected Paul. “I think we made a mistake. If they would have ruled and adhered to the literal nature of the law, maybe Congress would have had a chance to take up Obamacare again and try to make it less bad or fix the parts of it that are causing so many problems in our society.”
He added, “If we had the leverage where the president had to revisit this because part of it had been struck down, then we would have the leverage to force the president to revisit it … I think we’ve lost that leverage.”
McConnell said the ruling won’t change the many broken promises or help the millions who lost their health coverage because of Obamacare, or stop skyrocketing premiums.
He said the law makes life miserable for the millions it is supposed to help.
Graham said the ruling hardly means the law is fixed and it never will be if another Democrat is elected to the White House in 2016, and that election now will be America’s last chance to stop Obamacare.
Huckabee’s full statement:
“Today’s King v. Burwell decision, which protects and expands ObamaCare, is an out-of-control act of judicial tyranny. Our Founding Fathers didn’t create a ‘do-over’ provision in our Constitution that allows unelected, Supreme Court justices the power to circumvent Congress and rewrite bad laws. The Supreme Court cannot legislate from the bench, ignore the Constitution, and pass a multi-trillion dollar ‘fix’ to ObamaCare simply because Congress misread what the states would actually do. The architects and authors of ObamaCare were intentional in the way they wrote the law. The courts have no constitutional authority to rescue Congress from creating bad law. The solution is for Congress to admit they screwed up, repeal the ‘nightmare of Obamacare’, and let states road-test real health care reforms.
“Everywhere I go, I talk to American families who keep getting punched in the gut with outrageous insurance premiums and infuriating hospital bills. ObamaCare was railroaded through Congress to ‘solve’ our healthcare problems, but five years later, American families are getting railroaded by runaway mandates, big government bureaucracy, and out-of-control healthcare costs. ObamaCare is a $2.2 trillion Washington disaster that raided billions from Medicare and did nothing to fix our broken system of ‘sick care,’ which rewards irresponsibility and penalizes commonsense. As President, I will protect Medicare, repeal ObamaCare, and pass real reform that will actually lower costs, while focusing on cures and prevention rather than intervention. The status quo is unfair, unaffordable, unsustainable, and completely un-American.”
Jordan’s full statement:
“The Supreme Court’s decision today does not change the basic truth: Obamacare is a bad law, sold deceptively, and it is fundamentally broken. Americans deserve health care policy that makes it easier for companies to provide insurance and for individuals to buy it themselves, not harder. I hear stories all the time about how Obamacare is hurting people in Ohio. In the Fourth District, Dan, a business owner, runs a company that employs about 70 people. Because of Obamacare, his company’s health costs went up, and they had to switch plans from one they liked, to one that forces some of his employees to pay out of pocket $500 each month for asthma inhalers. This is wrong. Healthcare policy should be about empowering and helping people, not government. Obamacare is raising the cost of healthcare for Americans everywhere. It’s time to repeal this bad law. Congress must get rid of this law once and for all, and replace it with patient-centered fixes that promote personal freedom and spur job creation, instead of stifling both.”

My comments: America is now the Home of a godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist, TYRANNY! 

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