Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Conservative Tribune

PATHETIC: Obama Wants America to Know How Memorial Day “Means More” Because of HIM

The textbook definition of a narcissist is someone who can make anything all about them. And while America had little doubt President Barack Obama was a narcissist, the preener in chief managed to prove it yet again on Memorial Day.
In Obama’s weekly radio address, he said that the troops had a particular reason to be thankful this year: namely, him.
“Hi, everybody. This weekend is Memorial Day — a time to pay tribute to all our men and women in uniform who’ve ever given their lives so that we can live in freedom and security,” Obama began. “This year, the holiday is especially meaningful. It’s the first Memorial Day since our war ended in Afghanistan.”
First, it’s worth pointing out that end of the war in Afghanistan might come as news to the Afghanis who are still fighting the Taliban, or for the NATO force that’s still in the war-torn country.
Just because we’ve officially pulled out U.S. forces doesn’t mean that there aren’t Americans there, and it certainly doesn’t mean the war in Afghanistan has ended.
Irrespective of that, there’s also the fact that whether or not we’re fighting a war in Afghanistan has no bearing on the importance of Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is the day when we celebrate and remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Their memory is neither enhanced nor degraded by the president’s political decisions, no matter how apt they may be.
And given the chaos that’s arisen in Iraq since our troop withdrawal there, one has every reason to believe Obama’s decision on Afghanistan was not entirely apt.
“(T)his is Obama’s solipsism on display,” Weekly Standard editor William Kristol wrote. “He ‘ended’ our war in Afghanistan, so we, and I suppose families of loved ones as well, are supposed to find this year’s Memorial Day ‘especially meaningful.’ Ugh.” (H/T Fox News)
I can’t wait for Labor Day, when Obama will tell us how he created every job in America. Perhaps his Christmas speech will include the president talking about how he acted as the Virgin Mary’s obstetrician.
This is Obama’s narcissism: even on a day where we remember America’s ultimate heroes, it’s still all about him.
My comments: It remains to be seen what happens in Afghanistan. If what happened in Iraq is an example there is more trouble ahead.

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