Monday, May 25, 2015


Conservative Tribune

This Announcement From ISIS Proves George Bush & Dick Cheney Were Exactly Right About Iraq

In its latest issue of Dabiq, the propaganda magazine of the Islamic State group, leaders of the radical Islamic terrorist group suggested that they were growing so fast and gaining so much power that they’re kicking around the idea of purchasing their first nuclear weapons within the next 12 months.
Though they were ridiculed then and still are to this day, former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney told Americans that their primary reason for going into Iraq was the threat of radical rogue Islamic elements, state sponsors of terror and, you guessed it, weapons of mass destruction.
f we take a snapshot of the Islamic State in Iraq today, that’s exactly the picture that’s quickly forming before the world’s eyes. Turns out they were right all along.
In one article, the group claimed it had successfully transcended from “the most explosive Islamic ‘group’ in the modern world” to “the most explosive Islamic movement the modern world has ever seen.”
While the leaders of the Islamic State group are admittedly masters of propaganda and mind games, it would be difficult to argue their point, given their rapid evolution as a formidable force over the past year.
The article pointed out that the group also owed thanks to the amount of American and allied military equipment that Iraqi soldiers have abandoned after losing battles with the radical Islamic militants and essentially said that, with billions of dollars in the bank, a nuclear weapon acquisition was naturally the group’s next step.
“Remember, all of this has happened in less than a year. How more dangerous will be the lines of communication and supply a year on from today?” the article warned (H/T
Again, a very difficult point to argue. Worse, unless the next president Americans elect is one with the backbone to do what needs to be done in Iraq, it probably won’t be long until the Islamic State group commits an unspeakable act right here on United States soil.
My comments: A godless, Socialist, Secular Humanist America, will be subject to her Enemies, as God Almighty will not protect a Nation in Overt Rebellion agaisnt Him and His Word. There is Nothing New Under The Sun [Eccl. 1:9]. ISIS is a demonstrably Satanic Movement that the godless Western Nations seem Impotent to stop. 

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