Friday, May 1, 2015


Conservative Tribune

URGENT: This Author Wrote a Book Exposing Hillary… And Something Disturbing Just Happened to Him

Over the past couple of weeks, the nascent Hillary Clinton presidential campaign has been dogged by numerous allegations of corruption, specifically that she extended political favors as secretary of state to those who gave major donations to the Clinton Foundation.
Many of the recent allegations stem from a major book set to be released, called “Clinton Cash,” by author and researcher Peter Schweizer. The book reportedly lays bare a mountain of evidence that points to potentially criminal wrongdoing on the part of Bill and Hillary Clinton.
As could be expected, Hillary and her supporters have dismissed the claims in the book as mere “distractions” while launching personal attacks against Schweizer, labeling and discrediting him as a partisan hack, but never addressing his allegations.
It turns out now that Hillary’s camp may be launching more than mere verbal attacks on Schweizer’s character and credibility, as he has now had to hire personal private full-time security for himself.
Schweizer was asked recently during an interview with Bloomberg news if he had been receiving death threats since the announcement of the book’s release, to which he simply replied that he had hired security.
According to Business Insider, Schweizer said, “I’ll just say we have security. And that security is not something that just came because we decided to have security. And we’ll just leave it at that.”
He went on to say that his security detail was with him full-time, but declined to elaborate on the type or size of his security team.
It seems likely that Schweizer has received death threats, as he has clearly targeted the presumptive nominee for the Democrat party heading into the 2016 presidential campaign season.
However, Schweizer is no partisan hack, as he also has a book coming out soon similarly exposing the tangled financial web surrounding Jeb Bush, not to mention his exposé of bipartisan congressional insider trading and corruption a couple of years ago.
Hopefully, Schweizer’s security team is top-notch and on high alert, ready to protect him from those who would silence him.

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