Exclusive: Lord Monckton offers only 1 solution in dealing with 'attacks from within'
On every hand, the West is retrenching, retreating, collapsing and imploding. We, whose forefathers gave us Christian morality, liberty, democracy, free markets, prosperity, learning, the age of reason and enlightenment and the scientific method, are throwing all of these priceless advantages away.
These Western values came at a heavy price. We are letting them go for nothing.
Yet today’s assaults on the West are not so much external as internal. Subversion from within is now more of a menace to our way of life than aggression from without. Yes, there was Sept. 11. Yes, there is the threat from oil-fired Islamic extremism. Yes, Iran might nuke Israel and start World War III. Yes, China might invade Taiwan as it invaded Tibet. The world out there remains a dangerous place.
But it is the enemies within that we should be now be watching with particular attention. For they represent a more fundamental danger to all that is the West than the enemies without. The enemies among us are determined to do no less than destroy everything that makes the West the West: in fact, to destroy the West itself.
Take Christian morality. How often do you hear a “Democrat” politician arguing that divorce is bad for the children of the marriage and should be discouraged? Or that homosexuality should be discouraged for the same reason as smoking is discouraged: because it shortens its practitioners’ lifespan at least as much as smoking does? Or that abortion is the cruel slaughter of the most vulnerable and innocent members of our own species? No, scarce a word from anyone on the leftward half of politics or the leftward nine-tenths of the news media.
Take liberty. How often, these days, do you hear people saying, “It’s a free country?” Much less than when I was a lad. And where have the curbs and constraints on our freedoms come from? Again, it’s the left that is the problem, with its bossy, moralistic totalitarianism and its insistence that it and only it is right about everything, and its endless, pettifogging regulations down to the last flickering, poison-filled light-bulb.
Take democracy. The party that calls itself “Democrat” hates democracy. You can vote for who you like, but Mr. Obama will not let your elected representatives in Congress decide or do anything. He is ruling by decree, like any tin-pot African dictator.
Look at Soetero”care” – hundreds of billions squandered, and not a single patient made better as a result. Look at how that law came to pass. The unspeakable Ms. Pelosi told the House that if it wanted to know what was in the thousand-page bill tabled only minutes before the vote it would have to vote for it before it had the chance to read it. Whatever that is, it is not the democracy your Founding Fathers had in mind.
Take free markets. And abolish them. That’s Mr. Obama’s approach. Using precisely the same techniques as the Nazis, he is issuing mad and cripplingly expensive environmental decrees via the EPA, in flagrant contravention of Article 1, Section 1, of your Constitution, because he knows your elected representatives would not stand for the rapid shutdown of manufacturing, utility, transport and service corporations that the EPA is now carrying out.
Your Constitution opens by saying that no one but the Congress you elect can make laws to bind you. Mr. Obama regards the Constitution as an obstacle to fascism, so he ignores it.
Take prosperity. If you are the left, make that “tax prosperity, and go on taxing it until there isn’t any.” Mr. Obama is not alone in his desire to hammer the rich who donate campaign funds to his political opponents. Far too many Western nations tax the rich at a higher rate than the poor. The correct approach is to tax the rich at whatever rate will bring in the greatest revenue from them: for that way, the poor will pay less in taxes. But the revenue-maximizing tax rate on the rich is little more than the tax rate everyone else pays. The left believes that it is better to overtax the rich on grounds of “fairness” than to cut tax on the rich, bring in more rich people from round the world to be taxed, and thus increase the revenue from the rich and reduce the taxation of the poor.
A measure of the extent to which today’s left hates the poor is the willingness of socialist regimes everywhere to tax the rich at a rate so high that very few rich people stay around to be caught by it, so the poor end up paying higher taxes than they would if the rich were taxed less. Socialism makes the rich poorer and, therefore, makes the poor poorer still.
Take learning. Where are just about all of the world’s great universities? In the West, of course, where the very concept of the university was invented. Yet the left, by its insistence upon cloying political “correctness,” viciously prevents academic freedom.
Consider the case of Dr. Willie Soon, one of the heroes of this column, who has done decades of patient research on the question how it is that tiny fluctuations in the heat output of the sun have major impacts on the Earth’s climate.
His results – which show that man has far less, and the sun far more, influence on climate than Mr. Obama would like – are so unpopular with his Marxist colleagues at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics that they are not only not prepared to speak up for him in the face of very public attacks by greenshirts in the eco-fascist media, they are attacking him themselves.
They cannot fault his research, of course, so they smear him with false allegations that his research was “bought” by fossil-fuel interests. Yet they cannot point to a single scientific point in any of his papers which would have been differently expressed even if he had been paid by Mr. Obama himself.
So much, then, for the age of reason, enlightenment and the scientific method. All of these the left has thrown out of the window. Now, in the fatuous era of “post-modern science,” the very notion of objective truth – which is above all else the intellectual foundation of the West’s success – is denied, repudiated and spat upon.
Now, as in the dismal era of Hitlerian eugenics and mass murder or Lysenkoist agro-barminess and mass starvation, science is what the state says it is, and nothing more.
What to do about these attacks on the West from within? November approaches, so allow me to offer three little words which will send the West’s “Democrat” enemies back into their noisome lairs, there to meditate upon their iniquities:
Vote. Them. Out.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2015/04/why-wont-western-governments-fight-for-the-west/#wPiyZcBGYJrcbj2a.99My comments: America and the West have become godless, Socialist, Secular Humanists--against God and His Word. As such they can only FAIL. It is God alone Who provides prosperity for a Nation and He will not prosper a Nation in Rebellion agaisnt Him.
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