Thursday, April 23, 2015


SaveThePlanet Link

Five Top Environmentalists Openly Support Killing Off Humans

1. Sir David Attenborough.  He’s the voice behind all those enchanting BBC nature documentaries and while there’s no shortage of environmental alarmism in his narration, when he’s not whispering about the courtship dance of the leafy seadragon Attenborough is seriously chicken-littleing the perils of allowing humans to exist on the planet. Speaking in support of Optimum Population Trust (OPT) he said:
“I’ve seen wildlife under mounting human pressure all over the world and it’s not just from human economy or technology – behind every threat is the frightening explosion in human numbers.
“I’ve never seen a problem that wouldn’t be easier to solve with fewer people, or harder, and ultimately impossible, with more.”
Attenborough has also said that humans are “a plague on the earth.” The sensible response to a plague is eradication, so what’s Sir David really suggesting?

2. Paul Ehrlich. Ehrlich authored the controversial book Population Bomb which predicted global calamity at populations well below the number of people living on earth today. Yet somehow he retains credibility, probably because his “science” is basically a front for Marxism. The Guardian reports:
“How many you support depends on lifestyles. We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you can have big active cities and wilderness. If you want a battery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. But you already have 7 billion. So we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage.”
When you consider what qualifies as “humane” to the radical left these days—euthanasia, assisted suicide, partial birth abortion, post birth abortion—one shudders to think what Ehrlich’s final solution would be.

3. Ted Turner. That he was married to Jane Fonda is enough evidence of Turner’s lunacy, but he is also an outspoken proponent of applying the Chicom one-child only policy to the entire human population. Despite widespread reports of forced sterilization, forced abortion, and other atrocities, Turner says the Chinese have implemented this policy without “draconian” measures. Other crimes against humanity supported by Ted Turner include CNN and colorizing Casablanca.

4. John Holdren.  One of President Obama’s many muy loco political appointments, Holdren co-authored the book Ecoscience with the aforementioned Paul Ehrlich and his wife Anne Ehrlich. The book presents a number of ideas for how government could control the human population and redistribute natural resources. Some of these include a “planetary regime” to control global population levels, involuntary sterilizations, forced abortions, and spiking food and water with sterilizing chemicals. After he was nominated to head up the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Left explained that he didn’t really mean it.

5. Rachel Carson. Nature writer Carson stands apart from previous four because she didn’t really openly call for reducing the number of humans, she just helped make it happen. Her book Silent Spring misrepresented the risks of chemical pesticides like DDT and stirred up the irrational fear upon which the modern radical environmentalist movement is based. The use of DDT, especially in the third world, saved millions of lives by controlling the spread of mosquito borne diseases like malaria. Without the use of DDT, the World Health Orgnaization estimates that 3.2 billion people are at risk of contracting malaria, primarily in Africa and half a million may die each year as a result. Since it was published fifty years ago, Silent Spring and the hysteria it produced is probably complicit in more human deaths than Hitler and Stalin combined.  Environmental extremists are letting the mosquitos do the dirty work thanks to an unscholarly and unscientific book filled with lies.

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My comments: Those without Christ have no Hope and no Future.

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