Thursday, April 23, 2015


Conservative Tribune

URGENT: Allen West Reveals What the US Marine Corps Is Being Forced to Do to “Appease” Obama

Serving in the military requires being one tough individual, as you must possess the utmost in strength, endurance and persistence. To enter the military with any less would put the lives of other military members in jeopardy.
Not everybody gets this, including Obama lackey Gen. Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, who two years ago basically insinuated that senior military commanders should be willing to lower entrance standards for women.
“If we do decide that a particular standard is so high that a woman couldn’t make it, the burden is now on the service to come back and explain to the secretary, why is it that high?” he reportedly said.
According to new reporting by Lt. Col. Allen West, who himself served in the military for over two decades, the pressure to lower standards has only gotten worse since then.
For instance, the Marine Corps just completed a test “to see if female officers could successfully complete its rigorous Infantry Officer Course.” Zero of the 29 participants who took part in the test passed.
But instead of demanding that these women train harder and try again, the Marine Corps — under pressure from President Barack Obama’s goons, including Gen. Dempsey — is considering degrading standards so as to make it easier for women to make it through the course.
What they are reportedly doing is examining each standard to see whether it “is relevant to the operation and is ‘gender-neutral.'”
The problem is that the standards are already “gender-neutral,” in that both men and women alike must be able to complete the same number of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, etc. Yet the Obama administration still wants to change them.
According to West, the administration is basically forcing the military to implement social egalitarianism.
“To them, the military is just like any occupation,” he argued on his website. “Everyone should have equal outcomes and equality of access regardless of the mission. Anything else just isn’t fair.”
But is it truly fair? If anything, it seems extraordinarily unfair — not only to men, who must contend with the regular standards, but to everybody who must one day fight alongside those who make it into the military only because of Obama’s degraded standards.
My comments: By the time Obama gets through with the Military there may be NOTHING LEFT  capable of Defending America.

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