Thursday, April 30, 2015


{WATCH} Netanyahu, The Leader of the Free World

Brandi N Kay - 3/27/2015 - DC Gazette

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exemplifies ‘grace under fire’. He addressed our Congress not only for the good of his nation, but for the good of OUR NATION. He could have just as easily turned down the offer due to his elections or at least postponed the visit until after his elections.

He chose to gracefully accept the offer. Even before his speech, tensions between Obama and Netanyahu were running high. After he spoke, America was given an undeniable, stark contrast in leadership and in the case of Obama, lack there of. Obama cannot function without a teleprompter and has no concept of genuine honesty, Netanyahu, was transcendent. 

Obama is not mentally or emotionally equipt to lead anything, Netanyahu has proven by example, that he is able to lead the free world and obliterate his enemies, if his country is threatened. Obama has proven time and time again, that not only is he untrustworthy and petty to our allies, but to us. His latest example, releasing Israel’s nuclear capabilities to the world, just proves my point. I am not alone in my beliefs:

“Obama’s Evil Revenge On Netanyahu Continues” ~Shoebat
Obama is sick, sick with Jew-hatred — unbalanced, unhinged, a danger to this country, our allies, the world. Israel’s nuclear program, whatever it may be, is purely existential insurance. 

If they have a nuclear weapon, they have had it for fifty years and have never used it, despite the decades-long Muslim wars against the Jews. 

Obama is hellbent on providing a nuclear weapons program to Iran. To what end? Why? What will they do with their nukes over the next 50 years? And why would Obama target the Jewish state and undermine its security at such a time? 

He is irrational and evil. Israel has shared its secrets with the US for decades. They never imagined a jihadist in the White House. ~Pamela Geller (emphasis added)

But a calculated political move by the Obama administration that was planned long before the Israeli elections, in case Netanyahu won. 

Netanyahu is facing a media blitz against him being managed by the White House. 

Behind this media campaign, the administration is hiding deep concerns regarding two issues: the danger that Israel will torpedo the nuclear agreement with Iran and the fear that a narrow right-wing government in Israel will lead to an even larger and more violent conflict with the Palestinian Authority and Hamas in Gaza. 

The Americans want to lower the flames of the steadily developing conflict between Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. To achieve this, the US administration wants to influence the composition of the next Israeli government. 

In Washington they are saying that if possible, they will prevent the establishment of a narrow right-wing government, and if such a government is formed, ensure that the key ministerial posts are given to relative “moderates”. 

In addition, the Obama administration is trying to influence the political platform of the next Israeli government,” Yishai wrote. 

He continued:”The accusations of spying made against Israel are primarily designed to limit the ability of Republican lawmakers in Congress to act against the agreement with Iran. 

Any member of Congress, Republican or Democratic, who uses the information received from Israel to vote against the agreement with Iran, is actually guilty of a form of treason as he or she made use of material obtained through alleged espionage against the United States. 

In the battle for hearts and minds, Obama is waging war on Netanyahu not only out of revenge, but also as a way of setting a strategic policy, before the Israeli government is formed and before it is too late,” he concluded. ~Ron Ben-Yishai (emphasis added)


My comments: Obama is an Evil man an Impostor, going from bad to Worse, Deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:13)

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