Monday, April 20, 2015


Conservative Tribune

Rev. Graham Paints Terrifying Picture of Obama’s Plan for the Middle East… “Enable the Rebirth of…

Franklin Graham, son of legendary preacher Billy Graham, is not exactly known for his meek and mild beliefs about the Obama administration.
The respected Christian leader and co-founder of the Samaritan’s Purse demonstrated that again with a recent post to his Facebook page.
“It seems as though America’s current policies toward Iran might be enabling the rebirth of the Persian Empire,” he wrote.
“This could threaten the entire Middle East, from Europe to the borders of India, and is a direct threat to the national security of Israel,” Graham added. “Prime Minister Netanyahu says the Iran nuclear deal shows that the world hasn’t learned from the Holocaust.”
Withdrawing American troops from Iraq against the warnings of his senior military staffers and Congress, President Barack Obama appeared more interested in appeasing his liberal anti-war cronies than in furthering the cause of Middle East peace and security — to say nothing of American interests.
Lately, he’s been cozy with Cuban leader, Raul Castro, in complete disregard of the island nation’s sponsorship of international terrorism and its human rights violations at home.
But to be fair, he’s only being true to form. In the 1970s, Obama was more interested in smoking up than signing up. A true child of the hippie anti-war movement of the 1960s, Obama would rather destroy our military than support it.
And then he turns around and insults Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Yet another example of Obama’s failed foreign policy — love those who hate you and hate those who support you.

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