Tuesday, March 31, 2015


[Watch] Fast Dr. Bill Warner Lesson On Why Islamists Destroy Culture And History

DC Gazette - 3/30/2015

We may not want it, but the Islamic Holy War has come to us.  The goal: destroy western civilization.  How do they do that other than with bombs and bullets?  Dr. Bill Warner explains:

Throughout the history of Islamic takeovers, this propensity to destroy existing culture is part of the modus operendi of destroying a civilization mind, body and soul.  

That is how so many great cathedrals in Spain were knocked down and replaced with Mosques only to have them turned back to cathedrals when the marauders were sent packing.  

This is why there are so many complaints against bacon and pork products in the west. This is why Muslims tear down Cruxifixes in public spaces.  

This is why we are being guilted at every turn to be tolerant toward people who are not tolerant toward us.

This is why we cannot give in to the threats, guilting and bullying as has been tried in the United States of late all over the country.

Read more at http://dcgazette.com/watch-fast-dr-bill-warner-lesson-on-why-islamists-destroy-culture-and-history/

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