Saturday, March 7, 2015


Western Journalism

Why Does Obama Support A Nuclear Iran?

The formerly bright future that America offered its citizens seems to be slipping away.

Barack Hussein Obama is clearly supporting the current negotiations with Iran, which, according to Prime Minister Netanyahu, may provide an agreed path for Iran’s nuclear ambitions. This and other cogent points were clearly made in Netanyahu’s speech to a joint session of Congress that was frequently punctuated with resounding applause.
Considering the matrix of volatility in the Middle East today, how could any reasonable person, let alone the leader of any democratic nation, favor any plan that places nuclear weapons within the reach of radical Islamists or associated rogue nations?
Many people believe that the current president of the United States harbors a personal dislike of Prime Minister Netanyahu. Interpersonal relationships are complicated matters, and disliking someone or their personal opinions are the prerogative of people who live in a democracy. However, elected leaders are required by their oath of office to carry out the will of the people, as opposed to furthering their own personal agendas; they must rise above any political or personal fray, as the Israeli Prime Minister has clearly done to his credit.
Obama’s reaction to the Israeli Prime Minister’s address to the Congress was inconsistent with what would historically be expected from a President of the United States. Obama claimed that the Israeli Prime Minister’s speech “didn’t offer any viable alternatives.” 
Obama’s assertion is patently obtuse in that any such ‘alternative’ would likely be the subject of a classified strategy for dealing with Iran. Of course, recent history demonstrates Obama’s propensity to provide America’s game plan via the media to hostile adversaries in advance of any actions; all ISIS commanders need to do is turn on the TV or radio.
In a recent interview with “America’s Forum in regard to potential U.S. war plans, ISIS, and Obama’s propensity to telegraph America’s intentions, former General Paul Vallely said: “You don’t do that when you’re developing a military strategy, national security strategy against a major threat such as ISIS…Many of the things need to be done covertly.”
In addition to learning more about the decorum and manners of a world leader and statesman from Benjamin Netanyahu, Obama might also want to take a few lessons on covert operations and strategic planning from the Israeli leader.

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