Monday, March 9, 2015





Exclusive: Joseph Farah warns, 'There's simply no organized opposition to illegal, criminal actions'

People for the American Way’s “Right Wing Watch” didn’t like it.
I trust that means the group will use all of its influence and legal firepower to oppose any attempt by Obama to subvert the law – though there was no hint of that in its response.
Rush Limbaugh responded to the question Friday when a caller raised the possibility Obama might ignore the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution as he has ignored so many other laws since taking office.
“Well let’s construct a scenario and see if it has even the slightest bit of believability, and let’s establish some things that we know to be true that Obama also knows,” Limbaugh said. “Chief among those is that the Republican Party has said that impeachment is off the table.
“The Republican Party has made it clear that they will not use that constitutional measure as a means of reining Obama in, and maybe even getting him out of office,” he added. “They have also made it very clear in just the most recent vote on the funding for Department of Homeland Security that they will not use the power of the purse to stop Obama. OK, so those duo realities equal Obama fully aware the Republican Party will take no steps to stop him in his ongoing violations and running up to the edges of the Constitution.”
Limbaugh speculated that Obama might actually consider the possibility of a third term given the Democratic Party’s weak field of potential presidential candidates for 2016. He imagined Obama going on television and making a case to the American people that he is in the best position to stop a Republican from capturing the White House – “not after eight courageous years of transforming America!”
“We just cannot put it all to the risk of being unraveled and undone by these racist, sexist, misogynist, whatever else Republicans,” he envisioned Obama saying. “So as a service to the nation, he is going to forget the 22nd Amendment and either not leave office or run for re-election himself as the Democrat nominee. Just imagine that scenario. I don’t care how unreal it sounds, how unbelievable it sounds. Imagine it.
“What would anybody do? What would Mitch McConnell do? What would John Boehner do?”
Limbaugh took it further: What would anyone do about it?
There’s simply no organized opposition to Obama’s illegal, criminal actions and behavior. He’s getting away with all of it. There are no serious repercussions. No political price. No major media opposition. Few judicial rulings that worry him. Not one political, religious or social institution that is holding him accountable – least of all the Republican Party.
A handful of vocal critics on the Internet and talk radio point out his violations of the law, American tradition, the concept of constitutionally limited government with a system of checks and balance, not to mention decency and basic morality. But there is no operating political mechanism to stop him from doing anything and everything he wants to do.
Maybe America’s last best hope to prevent the kind of despotism feared when the 22nd Amendment was approved following Franklin Roosevelt’s fourth election to the presidency is a Hillary Clinton.
I know she is viewed as a weak candidate. She couldn’t beat Obama when he was a political unknown in 2008. But, at the very least, it would force the Democratic Party finally to have a debate about the Constitution and the rule of law.
Wouldn’t that be fun to watch?

My comments: It appears that America does not have the COURAGE to maintain the REPUBLIC. The Nation born in OPPOSITION to a TYRANT is now willing to submit to one. The RELIGION of America is now godless, Socialist Secular Humanism, which it seems MOST  subscribe to. "Man" is now "god," and EVERYONE does what is right in their own eyes as long as the STATE approves. This is EXACTLY what Scripture tells us happens in this Last Day. The Beast of Revelation is in the WINGS.

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