Tuesday, March 10, 2015


'Utopia' shows what happens
to cities under 'progressives'
'Everything had changed for the worse ... no one was progressing'

Joel Gilbert's new documentary film, "There's No Place Like Utopia," depicts Barack Obama as the wizard in an Oz-like story that offers some surprises.

Such as that Peggy Joseph – the Florida voter who became infamous during the 2008 presidential campaign for saying Barack Obama would "pay for my gas and my mortgage" – no longer supports the president.

"Obama has made promise after promise that have all turned out to be empty, all turned out to be lies," said Gilbert. "The people I met who supported him were literally in dungeons in the witch's castle, everything had changed for the worse – Detroit, South Side Chicago, Newark.

"Fifty years of progressive control over these cities demonstrated that no one was progressing, they were all regressing."

The movie takes viewers on a journey of discovery across America, emulating the highly successful style of progressive filmmaker Michael Moore.

In it, Gilbert depicts Barack Obama as "the Wizard" in the Land of Oz.

Order your copy of "There's No Place Like Utopia" now.

But Gilbert notes the "fundamental lesson of the Wizard of Oz is that there is no wizard."

The film's run began in theaters, and now the DVD is available from the WND Superstore.

"WND has done such a great job covering my films over the last few years" Gilbert explained.

The WND Superstore also continues to feature Gilbert's 2012 blockbuster Obama exposé "Dreams from My Real Father."

The "Utopia" project shows what is bad about amnesty for illegals for America's black community, why Democrats think dependence on the government is a good thing and how Islam is being promoted in Detroit and other cities devastated by progressive policies.

It also shows how American free speech is giving in to political correctness and what the "vast left-wing conspiracy" in America is today.

Gilbert travels from the ruins of Detroit to the slums of Chicago and from Denver's illegal immigration invasion to Newark's urban removal projects to pull back the curtain on what is happening in America.

See the movie trailer:

Featured in the film are commentaries from WND staff reporter and author Jerome R. Corsi, WND columnist and author Jack Cashill, as well as conservative author David Horowitz and former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky.

Like Dorothy's conclusion in the classic "Wizard of Oz," that there's no place like home, Gilbert analyzes the literal meaning of "Utopia" to argue, "There's no place like Utopia."

The Motion Picture Association of America, MPAA, gave "Utopia" a rating of PG-13, signifying patients are strongly cautioned that some content is not appropriate to children under 13, due to "some disturbing images." 

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